Hello, Your Sex Horoscope for the Week Is Here

Hello, Your Sex Horoscope for the Week Is Here

Buckle up, babes! We’ve got a lot going down this week. Up first, the Sun enters Cancer on Sunday and has us in our feels. Jupiter turns retrograde in Aquarius on Sunday, bringing up some interesting intimacy ideas. Mercury Retrograde in Gemini finally ends on Tuesday, clearing up miscommunication. And the Full Moon in Capricorn on Thursday grounds us in embodiment and pleasure!

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What’s that emotion you want to name, Aries? Cancer season begins on Sunday and helps your emotional IQ! Jupiter turns retrograde in your Pisces-ruled completion zone on Sunday, ending some romantic patterns. Mercury Retrograde ends on Tuesday, clearing up miscommunication. Finally, Thursday’s Full Moon in Capricorn makes ambition, groundedness, and efficiency so sexy.


Words are sultry, Taurus! Sunday’s start to Cancer season highlights communication in love/sex. On the same day, Jupiter turns retrograde in your Pisces-ruled friendship zone, which could blur the friendship/lover boundary. Mercury Retrograde ends on Tuesday, helping you connect to your body. Then, a Full Moon in Capricorn on Thursday makes a long-distance lover attractive!


Listen to your body, Gem! Cancer season begins on Sunday, helping you connect to your physical intuition for pleasure. Jupiter turns retrograde in your Pisces-ruled work zone on the same day; how can see love/sex as a skill? Mercury Retrograde ends on Tuesday, returning your words. Finally, a Full Moon in Capricorn on Thursday wants to you to cultivate imagination for more passionate intimacy!


Rise and shine, Cancer! Your season begins on Sunday; make sure you own your desires for easy manifesting! On the same day, Jupiter turns retrograde in your Pisces-ruled wisdom sector; apply your learnings on love/sex! On Tuesday, Mercury Retrograde ends in your closure zone, helping you live in the moment. Then, a Full Moon in Capricorn on Thursday begins, deepens, or transitions a romance for you!


Sexual healing, Leo? Cancer season begins on Sunday and helps you let go of the past. On the same day, Jupiter turns retrograde in your Pisces-ruled intimacy zone, helping you see sex/passion differently. Mercury Retrograde ends on Tuesday, reconnecting you with your social support and friends. A Full Moon in Capricorn on Thursday illuminates sexual health and romantic intelligence for you!


Romance your friends, Virgo! Cancer season begins on Sunday and blends love/friendship. On the same day, Jupiter turns retrograde in your Pisces-ruled romance zone, helping you heal from unresolved romantic habits. Mercury Retrograde finally ends on Tuesday and restores creative thinking. A Full Moon in Capricorn on Thursday wants you to bravely speak your feels to someone who needs to hear them!


You better werk, Libra! Cancer season’s start on Sunday gives you so much ambition. On the same day, Jupiter turns retrograde in your Pisces-ruled routine zone, so stay grounded! Mercury Retrograde ends on Tuesday and helps you apply new learning to your romances. A Full Moon in emotionally expressive Capricorn this Thursday wants you to get both curious and communicative in your feels!


Think bigger, Scorpio! Cancer season begins on Sunday, so have faith/optimism in the outcome. On the same day, Jupiter turns retrograde in your Pisces-ruled vulnerability zone; share your truths, please! On Tuesday, Mercury Retrograde ends in your intimacy zone, helping you give voice to your pleasures. Finally, a Full Moon in your Capricorn-ruled communication zone on Thursday makes you the queen of dirty talk!

You’re obsessed with all things astro. Same. Never miss a retrograde with Cosmo Unlocked.


It’s a heat wave, Sag! Cancer season begins on Sunday and raises the temp on your sex life. On the same day, Jupiter turns retrograde in your Pisces-ruled emotion zone, so listen to your feels! Mercury Retrograde ends in your romance zone on Tuesday, helping you honor your boundaries and your partners. Finally get in tune with your bod on Thursday under the sexy and pleasurable Full Moon in Capricorn!


It takes two, Cap! Cancer season starts on Sunday and begins your most romantic chapter of the year. On the same day, Jupiter turns retrograde in your Pisces-ruled language zone: Read the subtext and body language. Mercury Retrograde ends on Tuesday and helps you focus, use your words, and listen! Your annual reset is on Thursday under the Full Moon in Capricorn. Let go, have hope, and begin again!


The details are sexy, Aquarius! Cancer season begins on Sunday and helps you find the beauty in the micro. On the same day, Jupiter turns retrograde in your Pisces-ruled embodiment zone, so stay listening to your body. Mercury Retrograde ends on Tuesday and gives you your confidence back. A Full Moon in Capricorn on Thursday wants you to identify what needs to be released and healed.


Vulnerability looks good on you, Pisces! Cancer season has you sharing your feels bravely. Jupiter turns retrograde in your sign on Sunday, so stay focused on applying your intelligence. Mercury Retrograde ends on Tuesday and helps you speak your feels carefully. A Full Moon in Capricorn on Thursday transforms your relationships to friends, lovers, and everyone in-between.

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