Hello, Your Sex Horoscope for the Weekend Is Here

Hello, Your Sex Horoscope for the Weekend Is Here

What’s happening: The Moon is in Virgo this weekend. Tonight, the Sun is opposite Pluto, causing intense experiences and interactions. Leo season begins tomorrow (yay!) but Venus Retrograde also begins tomorrow (boo!). Mercury squares off with Uranus on Sunday, which is also when the Moon enters Libra. The Moon enters Scorpio on Tuesday, and on Thursday, Mercury and Venus are conjunct.

What that means for *you*:


Both Leo season and Venus Retrograde start this weekend. One is amazing for your sex life, the other makes your love life rather troublesome. My advice? Just don’t take anything too seriously. Hook up, date, do your thing—but don’t set any expectations. If you’re already boo’d up, there could be a few arguments on Sunday, but keep your cool and nothing major will happen. Oh, another thing, you might be hearing from an ex near the end of the week.


There’s potential for arguments to break out this weekend, Taurus. You’re feeling more vocal than usual, and your partner is feeling a little more hardheaded than usual, so if you’re not being sweet and gentle, a fight could easily happen. This astro-weather isn’t great for new relationships. You’re feeling very introverted, every day is a couch potato day, and if you’re getting any action, it’s likely going to be during a Netflix and chill sesh.



You’re a born rizzler and Leo season’s energy is helping you dazzle the crowd even more! Here’s the problem, though—Venus Retrograde is making it really hard for you to pick the right words to say. Your usual pick-up lines aren’t working, your favorite one-liners aren’t hitting as hard, and you’re attracting people who are not your usual type. Roll with it, be flexible, and have fun! Don’t take anything too seriously. Flirt, be silly, and if someone you’re talking to isn’t interested, you can simply move on to the next one!


Tonight’s astro is fierce. Your partner wants one thing, you want something else, and nobody is pleased. Your feelings are cranked up to 11, and things are getting tense. You need to compromise. Don’t let them just yank you around; stand up for yourself, but don’t be ruthless about it. If the two of you can’t find a happy medium, this could be the end. If you’re single, this can manifest as you being super interested in someone who doesn’t feel the same way (just take “no” as an answer) or someone is really interested in you and won’t stop bugging you (just hit block).


Happy Leo season! It’s all about you right now, Leo, but just a heads up—your chances of finding yourself a birthday boo aren’t too high right now, thanks to Venus Retrograde in your sign. If you’re not getting any action, it’s not a you thing. Don’t try to dramatically change your behavior, or switch up your look—just keep doing you. Thursday’s astro makes you a little more magnetic, so you’ll find someone to have some fun with in no time.


Learn to take “no” as an answer. You’re feeling super into someone, or maybe you feel like you have to DTR or upgrade your relationship—but the other person just isn’t on the same page. If you shoot your shot and get rejected, don’t ask them out again in a different way on a different day. Maybe you want your boo to move in with you, but they’re not ready—you can’t start an argument or try to force their hand. Be gentle. You’re not making much progress in love right now, unfortunately. As a matter of fact, you might actually regress a little, because it looks like exes are on their way this Leo season.


You’re meeting loads and loads of new people right now, and with that comes loads and loads of potential paramours! If you’re the hooking up type, you’re having a lot of fun this weekend—just make sure you’re safe and wrap it before you tap it during Venus Retrograde. Keep in mind: These hookups are likely going to stay hookups. If you’re looking for love, you’ll be looking for a while at this point.


The little arguments and bickering you get into this weekend are just little rumbles compared to the thunderstorm that could happen later this week if you’re not careful. Your relationship’s got problems. They might be big, they might be small, but they exist nonetheless, and they’re starting to pick at you and your partner. Something you consider a major offense might be a total non-issue to them, but if you don’t talk about it before blowing up, this could be a rough week. These sorts of talks are tough, but you and your partner need to make sure you’re on the same page about everything.


Your love life has been a little dull lately, Sagittarius, and Venus Retrograde wants you to spice it back up! Try something new! Try someone new! Buy some lingerie, get some toys, pull out those chains and whips—whatever it takes to get you and your partner’s engines revving. One thing to keep in mind: You’re fine with pulling all the stops and going all out when trying something new, but your partner might not be so eager to explore. Start slow.


Get ready, because I’m about to get real with you. You can’t control everything. You’re a little obsessed with looking “perfect” from the outside. In your dreams, you’re the person who people look at and say, “Wow, they have a great job, a great partner, and a great life. Good for them!” As a result, you might try to “correct” your partner, act a certain way with them when others are around, and so on, so that other people think you have that “perfect” relationship. Capricorn, you have to be yourself, and you have to let your partner be themself, too. If other people are hating, who cares? All that matters is what you and your partner think.


Leo season is usually cuffing season for your sign, but Venus Retrograde is making that a little difficult. If you want to improve your love life and move forward with your relationship, you’re learning that there are a lot of things that you need to change. Possessive or jealous tendencies stemming from past failed relationships, an inability to trust your partner, and other self-defeating habits are coming up now, and you’re being urged to deal with them. Navigate these problems successfully, and your relationship will be exponentially stronger by the end of the retrograde.


First things first, make sure you’re playing safely this Venus Retrograde! Your chart’s zone of health/wellness is being torn up, so if you’re not wrapping it before tapping it, you might catch something a little funky. You’re having no trouble finding potential paramours this weekend. New people seem to be flocking to you, but the problem is that almost none of them look like your Prince/ss/x Charming—it’s just a bunch of frogs. Be patient, and don’t lower your standards.

Headshot of Jake Register

Jake Register (better known by his Instagram handle, @jakesastrology) is a Libra and the author of Cosmopolitan’s weekly Sexoscopes. He lives in southeastern North Carolina and loves making astrology content. Follow his IG or Twitter @jakesastrology, and to book a reading, go to Jakesastrology.as.me.

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