To start, let’s get one thing straight: The terms pangender and pansexual are completely different. Even though they may sound similar, pangender is a gender identity and pansexual is a sexual orientation. (More on the differences below.)
The term pangender is used to describe someone who “feels comfortable with different kinds of gender labels,” explains Katie Lasson, a sexologist for Peaches and Scream. This means they identify with every gender identity known to them, like transgender, agender, non-binary, and more, all at once.
It’s important to remember that similarly to all other gender identities, a pangender individual may choose to shift between identities over time or simply identify with one all-encompassing identity like “pangender” the rest of their life.
The biggest difference between pangender, pansexual and agender
Even though they both contain the prefix “pan,” pansexual and pangender are on two completely different spectrums. Pansexual is used to describe someone’s sexual orientation, while pangender is used to describe someone’s gender identity.
If you need a quick lil refresher: Sexual orientation is who you are (or aren’t) sexually and romantically attracted to. Some examples of a sexual orientation would include heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, asexual, and more.
On the other hand, gender identity is how you define your inner sense of self. It’s a social construct you get to decide based on what you know to be true for yourself. Some examples include female, male, transgender, non-binary, etc.
As for the exact definition, pansexual is a term used to describe “someone who is attracted to anyone regardless of their sex identity or gender identity,” says relationship specialist Tarra Bates-Duford, PhD, who previously told Someone who is pangender can also be pansexual, but they don’t go hand-in-hand exclusively.
Along the same line of pangender is the term agender, and they are often confused for one another. However, agender is the complete opposite of pansexual—meaning that someone who identifies as agender does not identify as having any particular gender. Someone who is agender will reject the concept of a binary, aka that only two gender identities exist.
What identifying as pangender looks like
Like other genders and sexualities, there is no way to identify someone who looks pangender just from their physical appearance. It’s also not appropriate to ask someone their sexuality or gender, as it is their personal choice to come out to whoever they want.
However, you can and should always ask a person their pronouns when meeting them for the first time because this shows respect for a person’s identity, promotes inclusivity, and prevents the person from feeling any emotional distress.
Having said all of that, you might be able to pick out someone who is pangender when they have no issue being placed under any gender labels since they identify with all of them.
But, again, unless that person decides to come out to you, there is no reason to assume, and that applies for all sexualities and genders.
Signs you might be pangender
Although there is no specific set of guidelines to either confirm or determine gender identity or sexual orientation, there are a few signs that can help you determine whether you identify as pangender or not, according to Lasson:
- You identify with numerous diverse genders. This could include every single gender identity in the spectrum, even the unknown ones. There is really no limit to the genders you identify with.
- You believe you are all genders available to you. You can identify as male, female, cisgender (meaning you identify with the gender you were born with), transgender (meaning you don’t identify with the gender assigned to you at birth), agender (like previously stated, meaning you do not identify as having any particular gender), and many many more.
- You feel comfortable being labeled all over the gender identity spectrum because it’s not black and white for you. Basically, you feel comfortable being placed in one box, because you know that is part of your identity.
How to support friends or partners that identify as pangender
First and foremost, let others choose whatever they want to be and who they want to identify as. This means learning from your own mistakes and not getting defensive when and if you get called out on something. You should also be researching as much as possible to educate yourself and avoid becoming part of the problem.
Also, listen to them wholeheartedly. Advocating for them in situations where they feel or might feel disrespected is huge. It also doesn’t hurt to ask how you can further help either.
Lastly, when a friend or a partner decides to come out to you, it’s only fair that you give them a safe space where they are free of judgements. Coming out is a very hard thing to do and some people may have a harder time trusting others with this information.
If you want to learn how to be a better ally, you can start by reading through GLAAD, which was founded as a protest against the defamatory coverage of the LGBTQ+ community.
How to be a proud pangender
Similarly to other sexualities and gender identities, pangender has its own flag. It consists of eight stripes, with three colors repeating twice. According to, the colors are very bright so that they represent the multiplicity of genders.
The yellow represents all the genders that are not related to female and male, the light red color represents the transition to the genders which are related to female and male, the light violet-pink color represents the combination of female and male, and the white color represents the blend of all these genders. Additionally, they also have a symbol which is the male and female symbol intertwined with a line crossing in the circles that meet.
Those who are pangender also have a Pride Day exclusive for them that they celebrate on on June 19.
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