Capricorn Monthly Horoscope

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope


Capricorn: Your May Horoscope at a Glance

Life is blossoming for you, Capricorn—and in May, what’s flowering is a healthy dose of fun. For the first three weeks of the month, Taurus season whets your appetite for passion, pleasure and playtime, and you’ve surely earned yourself the right to enjoy these things. Dive into a creative project or enjoy a (safe) spring fling. You’ll want to watch your spending, though—and keep your eyes open for things you no longer need. What’s REALLY been preventing you from going after a dream 100 percent? May’s final week will pull back the curtain. Take care with sudden moves, however—Mercury’s backspin at month’s end could throw a wrench or two into the works. A healthy dose of soul-searching, coupled with a good decluttering, can bring the clarity you seek.



The Sun is in Taurus until May 20

With the Sun in sensual Taurus and your fifth house of creativity and romance until Thursday, May 20, your life force energy is on the rise. Get up and get active! The catalyzing rays of the Sun in this passionate, “carpe diem” zone support physical activity, fun and vitality. Say “yes!” to life instead of being overly cautious or skeptical.


For you, Taurus season is a very “yang” and external time, where you’re expressing, pursuing and doing rather than reflecting or waiting around for life to happen. Want something, Capricorn? Get up and MAKE it happen. Creativity and fertility fall under this domain. Whatever you’re “ripe” with, find a healthy outlet for it—but not TOO healthy since this decadent transit brings out your inner hedonist. 


A fresh start for love and creativity at the May 11 Taurus new moon

Your true spring awakening arrives at the annual Taurus new moon on Tuesday, May 11. This lunar lift marks a fresh start for matters of the heart. A strong romantic attraction could spark up, either for your current love or someone new. Whatever begins today will culminate at the November 19 Taurus full moon, which will also be a supercharged lunar eclipse.


This glamorous new moon also puts you in the mood to shop and spruce up your look. Treat yourself to a seasonal style upgrade—and add some bold, colorful statement pieces instead of just refreshing your uniform of jeans or leggings or whatever your go-to staples are.


A creative endeavor could take root today. Got a talent you want to develop? Sign up for lessons, build a portfolio site or start working on that album. By the November 19 full moon, if not sooner, you could be ready for a grand debut.


Jupiter gets social in Pisces from May 13 to July 28

Take a break from the grind, Capricorn. When joyful Jupiter enters creative Pisces and your communication zone on Thursday, May 13, you’ll get a sneak preview of a longer trend of community, ideas and connections starting at the end of year.


Since late December, both Jupiter and your ruler, Saturn, have been in Aquarius, activating your second house of work and money. You’ve been on a mission to build your great ideas from 2020 into something tangible. But while Jupiter’s in Pisces, you need to break from the workaholic stretch and go safely mingle.


With Jupiter, the planet of abundance and opportunity, in Pisces, it’s not about what you do, but rather, who you know! Keep your eyes peeled for kindred spirits and exciting growth opportunities, many of them local.


Jupiter typically moves into a new zodiac sign once a year. But in 2021, Jupiter will make a short dip into Pisces, back into Aquarius on July 28, then return to Pisces again for a longer stay from December 28, 2021, until May 10, 2020. Later this summer, you can take all these new ideas and contacts and bring them back to your revenue-generating endeavors!


Gemini season begins on May 20

Ready to get those spring fitness plans underway? Gemini season kicks off on Thursday, May 20, activating your sixth house of daily routines and organization. Take a break from indulgence and REALLY start your spring deep-cleaning—inside and out. For the next four weeks, you’ll be in the mood to bring more efficiency to your life overall. Look at ways you can outsource and delegate to seasoned pros. Don’t skimp on qualifications or experience. You need Team Capricorn to be self-sufficient so that you don’t have to micromanage or pick up their slack!


Saturn turns retrograde from May 23 to October 10

On Sunday, May 23, your ruling planet Saturn turns retrograde in Aquarius for its annual five-month backspin. Saturn will reverse through your second house of money, values and possessions. Lean into your frugal side and stick to your budget as best as you can.


You might need to tighten your belt a bit as Saturn’s backspin can temporarily dry up an income source or pile more tasks on your plate at work, cutting into your free time. Learning to “live more with less” isn’t always easy, but if anyone’s up for this minimalist mission, it’s you, Capricorn.


If your skill set is lagging behind industry standards, use this summer and fall to work with a coach or get necessary credentials or certifications. That hard work and hustle will serve you well when Saturn turns direct (forward) in October, and you’ll be positioned for a raise, promotion or next level of clientele.


Eclipse season begins on May 26 with the Sagittarius lunar eclipse

Has something been holding you back…or is there something that you’ve been holding onto a bit too tightly? On Wednesday, May 26, a difficult situation could come to a swift and unexpected end when the Sagittarius lunar eclipse ( sweeps through your twelfth house of closure, healingclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” and release. This lunar lift is also a supermoon, further helping you decide whether all this angst is a karmic lesson or just a toxic tie—and whether it’s worth the effort.


Is it time to finally let go of a situation that’s caused you pain and suffering? Whatever the case, you’ll reach a turning point and hopefully achieve a healing resolution around a difficult situation. Struggling with an addictive or self-sabotaging pattern? This eclipse can help you get the support you need, provided you’re willing to wave the white flag and surrender.


Look back to December 14, 2020, when the corresponding Sagittarius new moon, which was also an eclipse, set the stage for what may come to fruition now. If you started a spiritual or artistic endeavor near that date, you could find yourself having a sudden epiphany or even in the spotlight.


Mercury spins retrograde in Gemini from May 29 to June 22

The devil’s in the details for the next three weeks—so paclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” y close attention to them! On Saturday, May 29, communication planet Mercury turns retrograde, scrambling signals and messing with technology, travel and communication. For the next three weeks, be extra careful with data and devices—and hold off on signing any binding contracts if you can. On the fence over which path to take? If your decision involves a lot of communicating, make sure and get the bulk of it done before Mercury makes its U-turn.


An employee, co-worker or helpful person could be a bit unreliable now. Are their skills up to par…and are yours? You may need to evaluate whether or not to look elsewhere for what you need. At the same time, make sure you’ve been crystal-clear with your instructions. While Mercury is retrograde, it’s an ideal time to tweak any processes that are outdated or inefficient.


Keep stress at a minimum and continue taking the necessary pandemic precautions. With transmitter Mercury gone rogue in your health zone, you can’t be too careful—or wash your hands often enough. While Mercury is retrograde, be discerning about any projects you take on, and think seriously about your bandwidth before you commit.



Venus luxuriates in Taurus until May 8

Enjoy a week of spring fever, Capricorn! Since April 14, amorous Venus has been in Taurus and your passionate fifth house, turning up the dial on your mojo and magnetism. The love planet will be here until May 8, so make the most of this hot and head-turning time.


One of the year’s most scintillating days for romance arrives on May 6, when Venus forms a harmonizing trine to alchemical Pluto in Capricorn. Thinking about transforming your appearance? Debuting a bold new look (or attitude)? The stars are on your side today.


Mars gets cozy in Cancer all month

The urge to merge intensifies this month as red-hot Mars blazes through Cancer and your seventh house of partnerships. You may feel eager to officialize a relationship, especially since Mars is stoking a strong attraction. On the flip side, you could be sensing pressure from a current love interest to commit. Don’t waffle unnecessarily, but you may need to push back against any undue pressure or emotional blackmail.


For longtime couples, Mars in Cancer can turn up the heat between you—hello, sexy spring surprise! But with the warrior planet in this interpersonal zone, you could also find yourselves arguing more. Take time-outs as needed when tempers flare since Mars will be here until June 11.


Little things mean a lot with Venus in Gemini from May 8 to June 2

Your love language after May 8 is “acts of service” as Venus shifts gears into Gemini and your sixth house of support and self-care. For committed Caps, look to ways you can cheer each other on and lend a hand. At the May 19 Venus-Saturn trine, you might even consider starting a business together or doing something to save more money. Hey, it’s not the sexiest activity, but you’ll have more moolah in the bank for special times in the futre.


Single Sea Goats (and smitten ones too): Lavish your body with lots of loving! With beautifying Venus in your wellness zone, you’re due for a seasonal glow-up. Massages, healthy food, new kitchen equipment and workout clothes: Treat yourself to things that make you feel like the divine creature you are.



With go-getter Mars in Cancer revving up your partnership zone all month, dynamic duos could be a sweet spot for you financially. But you’ll have to be very discerning when it comes to teaming up. No matter how exciting a project seems, you could feel pressured to sign on the dotted line, something you’ll want to do before May 29 (when Mercury turns retrograde) or else after this cycle ends on June 22. If a client or colleague is majorly stressing you out, that could push you to the verge. Try clearing the air at the Taurus new moon on May 11. This lunar lift could also put your talents in the spotlight, so make sure you’re camera-ready! The Sagittarius lunar eclipse on May 26 presents a huge turning point. Is it time to cut your losses and walk away—or will this surprise-filled supermoon reveal the missing puzzle piece that helps you see things in a whole new light? 


Love Days: 10, 15

Money Days: 22, 3, 31

Luck Days: 20, 28

Off Days: 13, 18, 26

See All Signs

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