Scorpio Monthly Horoscope

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope


May activates your urge to merge, Scorpio! You’re eager to make dynamic duos official and, later in the month, to deepen relationships so they stand the test of time. A new partnership midmonth could turn out to be lucrative, emotionally fulfilling or (hopefully!) both. But you’ll have to swing out of your comfort zone and make a few compromises if you want this to last for the long haul. Summer loving also heats up as Jupiter begins a visit to your passion zone that will last until late July. The month ends with a ground-shaking lunar eclipse and a signal-scrambling Mercury retrograde. Don’t rush into anything binding, especially not financially, as mixed messages and crossed wires could muddle things just when you’re ready to cross the finish line. No need for cold feet; just take a sensible step back or slow the pace a notch.


A note from The AstroTwins:

In an effort to help you “plan it by the planets” with greater ease, we’re experimenting with new formats for your Monthly Horoscope. Times have changed. There’s more information to process and less time to do so.


This month we’re presenting your horoscope with bold key dates to help you find the most important big-picture themes and put them into action. For even more detail, follow your daily and weekly horoscopes from us!



The Sun is in Taurus until May 20

With the Sun in steady, sensual Taurus and your committed-relationship zone until Thursday, May 20, partnerships are front and center. Seek out complementary people who share common goals and bring a different set of skills than yours. Playing to your strengths will help you both go farther. Give your existing ties a tune-up and make sure there’s a good balance of give and take.


With the Sun in your opposite sign, it’s at its farthest point from you on the zodiac wheel. As a result, your “solar power” is a bit dimmer, and you may feel more tired this month. All the more reason to reach out to supportive people and lean on the folks who you’re always helping!


New partnerships ignite at the May 11 Taurus new moon

Dynamic duos take flight at the Taurus new moon on Tuesday, May 11, which sets off a fresh six-month cycle for powerful partnerships. Ready to add some inspiring new members to your crew? The Taurus new moon draws kindred spirits your way.


Under these mobilizing moonbeams, an existing connection could move toward official status. Or you could meet someone with long-term potential, either for a business venture or love.


But don’t rush into commitments! The effects of this new moon will roll out between now and the November 19 Taurus full moon, which is also a potent lunar eclipse. Anyone you meet now could have a profound effect on your life in the long run, so it’s worth taking the time to get to know each other really well—a process that can’t be fast-tracked.


Jupiter gets frisky in Pisces from May 13 to July 28

Get ready for a romantic and creative revival! On Thursday, May 13, adventurous and expansive Jupiter will enter Pisces, activating your passionate fifth house for two and a half months. Jupiter and Saturn have both been in Aquarius, lounging in your domesticity zone, since late December 2020.


If you’ve gotten a little TOO comfortable in your athleisure, prepare for a glamorous style overhaul and lots of opportunities to turn heads. Jupiter in Pisces delivers a spring awakening—with a side of frisky, flirty fun! The outspoken planet in this attention-grabbing zone could turn the spotlight squarely on you. Lights, camera, Scorpio!


Jupiter typically moves into a new zodiac sign once a year. But in 2021, Jupiter will make a short dip into Pisces, back into Aquarius on July 28, then return to Pisces again for a longer stay from December 28, 2021, until May 10, 2020. Enjoy this sneak preview of a vibrant and expressive chapter that will arrive in a big way at the end of the year.


Gemini season begins on May 20

Privacy, please! On Thursday, May 20, the Sun moves into Gemini, lighting up your eighth house of intimacy and merging. Is it time to negotiate a joint business venture or discuss a shared future with a special someone? Begin the talks but don’t rush into anything binding. Mercury will turn retrograde here in a little over a week, which could give you second thoughts or cold feet.


Instead of promising more than you can humanly deliver, take a month to dip behind the scenes and do some focused research. Conduct due diligence around any financial matters before signing on. If you’re considering a deeper commitment in love, the Sun in this sensual zone marks a good period for one-on-one time where you can truly get vulnerable with one another.


Saturn turns retrograde from May 23 to October 10

How are things on the home front, Scorpio? Structural repairs are in order—both emotionally and perhaps to your actual home’s construction—starting Sunday, May 23. That day, inspector Saturn turns retrograde in Aquarius and your domestic fourth house, turning an eagle eye on any flaws in your foundation.


If a relationship has been built on codependent or unequal footing, especially with a relative, maturity-planet Saturn will push for more equitable terms. You may even decide to take a little space from a family member in the name of establishing better boundaries. Depending on your age, some Scorpios could get serious about baby plans, or you might get honest with yourself about whether or not you see children in your future. Other Scorpios may take on a new role of responsibility at home, perhaps caring for an aging parent or handling more of the expenses. Or you could decide to level up your childcare provider or home office buildout, especially if you’re a long-term Zoom worker.


Is your living situation less than unfavorable? It may have seemed easier to suck it up than deal, but when Saturn’s retrograde, small irritations can turn into big issues. Plans to move or do a real estate deal could be delayed, which might be a blessing in disguise. Homeowners may need to handle a repair issue, like fixing plumbing or replacing a roof. While the process might be annoying (not to mention an unplanned expense), don’t cut corners. Hire well-vetted professionals and do it right.


Eclipse season begins on May 26 with the Sagittarius lunar full supermoon

Get ready for a profitable power surge, Scorpio! On Wednesday, May 26, a game-changing lunar eclipse touches down in your second house of work, habits anclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” d daily income.


This full supermoon could signal a change of positions and priorities or other big news at your workplace. You may suddenly land a plum client—or hear that one is canceling their account.


Lunar eclipses spark sudden events and transitions, in some cases bringing a chapter of your life to an abrupt end. If you’ve outgrown your job, it will be nearly impossible to ignore that and keep soldiering on. (Repeat this eclipse mantra: Change is good!)


Look back to December 14, 2020, when the corresponding Sagittarius new moon, which was a solar eclipse, set the stage for what may come to fruition now. A venture you’ve been working toward since late last year could reach an important turning point.


Mercury spins retrograde in Gemini from May 29 to June 22

Don’t rush into anything binding, no matter how sweet the offer! On Saturday, May 29, pclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” ress pause or slow down a bit to contemplate your options. Messenger Mercury turns retrograde in Gemini for three weeks, scrambling signals with some of your most intimate connections. A “complicated” ex could resurface, along with old fears around trust and vulnerability. If you’re having reservations about a relationship, you might need to talk it through with a trusted professional together. In business, ask as many questions as you need, and run contracts by an attorney instead of skimming over the legal terms and hoping for the best.


Similarly, you might need to do some financial restructuring, working out a plan to repay debt or carefully considering an investment. Hold off on signing on any dotted lines, especially if they require a long-term commitment. Extra research during Mercury retrograde could reveal a sneaky clause or turn up better options. You’ll be glad you took your time.


For the next three weeks, you’ll need to back up your data and devices, watch what you say—and don’t share any secrets unless it’s under blood oath! (And even then, think twice.) While you’re at it, strengthen your passwords and make sure your online privacy is as protected (stopping at the point of paranoia, of course). Use this time to give your finances and relationships a “spring cleanup,” which is always a good idea!




Venus luxuriates in Taurus until May 8

Two is a lovely number for the first week of May as Venus lingers in Taurus and your committed-relationship house. This cycle, which began on April 14, helps couples harmonize and inspires single Scorpios to take a more open-hearted approach to love.


When Venus glides into a supportive trine with your ruler, deep-diving Pluto, on May 6, a conversation about your relationship’s future could turn surprisingly soulful. A person you always thought of as a platonic pal could suddenly alchemize into your next great love. Hey, you never know! Feeling some sparks? At the very least, they’re worth exploring.


Mars gets cozy in Cancer all month

Freedom is a turn-on this month as red-hot Mars blazes through Cancer and your expansive, open-hearted ninth house. From April 23 to June 11, the red planet is visiting this adventurous and global zone, which could bring sparks with a long-distance connection or someone different than your usual “type.” Adopt a spirit of adventure and give new experiences a chance.


Coupled Scorpios could turn up the heat with a short getaway. While you’ll of course need to follow safety precautions when traveling, even a night at a boutique hotel or an Airbnb could ignite new sparks between you. If you’ve been stuck in too much pandemic togetherness, push yourselves to try new activities and get out of a rut. Novelty is the antidote to any plateaus!


Intimacy deepens with Venus in Gemini from May 8 to June 2

You’re in the mood to deepen your bonds starting May 8, when Venus slinks into Gemini and your sultry, erotic eighth house. Although Mars has you thirsting for freedom and autonomy, Venus will pull you in another direction, giving you the urge to merge. While there may be moments of “come here now go away,” a healthy balance of autonomy and together-time should do the trick.


From May 8 onward, you’ll have moments when you want to bond or need extra reassurance from feeling vulnerable and raw. If you’re not feeling your sexiest, the love goddess will help you change that. Refresh your lingerie drawer or wear fabrics that feel great on your skin. Bring movement back into your life, especially dance or exercise that targets your core and pelvic regions (think: Pilates, belly dancing, hip circles).


When Venus forms a harmonizing trine to structured Saturn in your domestic zone, it might be time to meet each other’s families, talk about moving in together or to make a shared investment, perhaps related to real estate or something that can be a lasting legacy. Single Scorpios could feel anchored by the wise and supportive words of a loved one who boosts your confidence and reminds you just how worthy you are.



Partner up for prosperity! The Taurus new moon on May 11 brings opportunities to join forces for mutual gain. Check in on your clients and contracts and make sure everyone’s on the same page. If there are any lingering resentments or unclear arrangements, you can get things back on track now. A big money moment arrives at the May 26 Sagittarius lunar eclipse, which ripples through your second house of work and daily income. You could hear news of an exciting new position or catch buzz about big changes with your job. But proceed with caution, because when Mercury turns retrograde from May 29 to June 22, hidden information could surface that introduces a plot twist.


Love Days: 5, 10

Money Days: 18, 26

Luck Days: 15, 24

Off Days: 8, 13, 22

See All Signs

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