Your Virgo Monthly Horoscope for June

Your Virgo Monthly Horoscope for June

Add these dates to your GCal:

June 10: New Moon/solar eclipse in Gemini
June 14:
Saturn square Uranus
June 20:
Sun enters Cancer
June 22:
Mercury Direct
June 24:
Full Moon in Capricorn

Welcome to June, Virgo baby! The month kicks off with a solar eclipse in Gemini on June 10, activating the area of your chart associated with career, reputation, and public image. This is definitely not a NBD—it’s actually serious main character energy and, during this powerful lunation, all eyes will be on you! Keep in mind that we’re at the halfway point of a six-part series that began last June and will continue through this December, so this is a critical moment in the extended narrative. What will it take for you to reach the peak? When the Sun is obstructed by the Moon during the Solar Eclipse, it reflects the nuances of the interplay between ego and emotion, so don’t be afraid to shift your perspective. When you look at an old situation from a new point of view, you have the opportunity to receive invaluable insight that was otherwise unavailable. Give it a try!

Next, on June 14, a dynamic alignment between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus activates the areas of your chart associated with routines and philosophy, respectively. What does that mean for you? I know how important stability is for you, Virgo, but it’s about to become shockingly clear that in order for you to evolve, you need to expand your horizons…in a major way. Whether you book some well-deserved travel plans or start enrolling in new educational programs, this Saturn-Uranus mash-up will encourage you to broaden your scope. But keep in mind that there’s still one more alignment in this three-part series (the first occurred on February 17, and the final will take place on December 24). This narrative is still continuing to unfold, so trust the process! Everything will make more sense by the end of the year.

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Then, on June 20, the Sun slides into Cancer, marking the longest day of the year, summer solstice, and a new astrological season. For you, solar motion through Cancer’s watery sky invites you to consider community from a bird’s eye view. This isn’t just about who you know—it’s about who you have yet to meet! The next few weeks are an excellent time to fortify new relationships with folks outside your immediate friend group, so whether you’re becoming more involved in a social cause, growing your following on social media, or aligning with likeminded individuals who share your hobbies and interests, this is a terrific time to cast a wide net. Worried that your earnest salutations will be misconstrued? Luckily, Mercury Retrograde ends on June 22, making it a whole lot easier for you to ensure that schmoozing doesn’t devolve to snafu. Don’t be afraid to put your best foot forward, Virgo!

Phew! What a month! And as if that wasn’t enough, there’s still one more important celestial event in June: On June 24, a Full Moon in Capricorn illuminates the cosmos, activating the area of your chart that governs artistic expression. You’re feeling inspired to use your vivid imagination to broaden your horizon, so right now, you’re realizing that your unique creative voice informs all aspects of your life. How can you infuse your day-to-day with even more individuality? Sure, not everyone may understand your work…but when it comes to ingenuity, that’s par for the course! Don’t listen to the critics, Virgo. Haters will keep on hating, but that’s not your problem! Do you!

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