Add These Dates to Your G-Cal:
- January 3: Venus enters Aquarius
- January 6: Full Moon in Cancer
- January 12: Mars Retrograde ends
- January 18: Mercury Retrograde ends
- January 20: Sun enters Aquarius
- January 21: New Moon in Aquarius
- January 27: Venus enters Pisces
Happy New Year, celestial babes! Capricorn season is upon us, filling the sky with earth sign energy that’s sure to keep us focused on our New Year’s resolutions. Mercury and Mars are still both retrograde, so the key to forward momentum is to make small, incremental changes and see pauses as opportunities for growth and reflection. Each part of the process matters, so don’t feel guilty for not blasting off in a new direction right away on January 1.
No matter your zodiac sign, you’re starting the year with some supportive conversations or comforting news on January 2, when Mercury in Capricorn gently connects with Neptune in Pisces. Compassionate communication is the vibe and you’re feeling safe to express our sensitives, feelings, and needs. Venus, the planet of harmony and affection, enters Aquarius on January 3, giving communication a more intellectual vibe. If you’re single, socializing with friends could lead to meeting a new special someone. Couples may feel the urge to tend to their cognitive connection–it’s time to engage in some mental foreplay!
A little cosmic blessing arrives on January 4, when Venus in Aquarius shares a kiss with Jupiter in Aries. When the two most fortunate planets in the sky come together, the energy lightens and your heart expands. Some of your dreams may manifest before your eyes, you we may be feeling overcome with gratitude and love. This abundance of reassuring energy may inspire you to take a leap of faith or try something new on January 5, when the Sun in Capricorn meets rebellious Uranus in Taurus. You’re rewarded for pushing yourself outside your comfort zone.
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A Full Moon in Cancer lights up the sky on January 6, signaling an emotional release. A matter close to your heart may be up for discussion. The Moon will be canoodling with sweet Neptune, bringing a sense of healing and understanding to your encounters and confessions. The following day on January 7, the Sun and Mercury meet at the same point in the sky, forming what astrologers call a cazimi. This is a pivotal moment in your personal Mercury Retrograde story–divine downloads and insight make themselves known today. Pay attention to symbols and signs in your dreams, as well as in your waking life. On January 9, Venus in Aquarius and Mars in Gemini dance together, igniting your creative drive and heating up your sexual desires. The energy is romantic and exciting—perfect for a first date or spending time with friends!
Since October 30, we’ve all been grappling with Mars Retrograde in Gemini–and on January 12, you can thank your lucky stars, because Mars finally stations direct and ends its retrograde journey! Say goodbye to delays as you regain your motivation and feel an urge to pick up where you left off. You’ve no doubt learned many lessons during Mars’ backspin and you’re better off for it. Now’s the time to integrate those learning so you can charge forward with a more sustainable plan. A few days later, Venus in Aquarius clashes with Uranus in Taurus, inviting a bit of shock to your closest unions. This can be make-it-or-break-it energy–you may decide to end a rocky relationships, or you may embrace a shocking compromise. You’re craving novelty and may be feeling impetuous under these skies. Your ability to go against the grain could lead to major breakthroughs.
The Sun and powerful Pluto meet at the same point in the sky on January 18, illuminating your inner fears, raw emotions, and desires. Some of your unconscious motivations may be revealed and you’re forced to confront your ego. It’s about to get a little more dramatic because on the same day, Mercury Retrograde ends in Capricorn! The day a planet ends its retrograde is a notable turning point, so pay attention to conversations, themes, and topics that are up for discussion today.
A New Moon in Aquarius on January 21 marks the start of a new beginning in your social sphere–pay attention to who you meet and the groups you’re investing your time in. Networking is favorable right now, and you could find yourself connecting with someone who is able to support you in a new way.
Formidable partnerships are formed on January 22 when Venus and Saturn meet at the same point in the sky. You’re addressing some of the more challenging conversations within relationships, but in doing so, you’re creating more solid footing for the future. This is an ideal time to lay down the framework for your plans for 2023, especially now that Mercury and Mars are both no longer retrograde.
The Sun and Jupiter will form a harmonious sextile just twice in 2023, and on January 25, their first union arrives with optimism, inspiration, and confidence. Aim for the sky today! Venus, the planet of love and aesthetics, enters artistic Pisces on January 27, elevating a more sensitive approach to your relationships. You’re craving depth in your bonds today. Venus loves to be in Pisces, so if you’re single and ready to mingle, this is an ideal time to ask your crush out or join a new dating app. The month wraps up with the Sun in Aquarius meeting with Mars in Gemini on January 30, and your plans are full steam ahead–finally! You’re moving forward with a renewed sense of confidence–it feels like the New Year is finally here!
Read your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign horoscope:

Stephanie N. Campos (she/her/hers) is an astrologer, witch, and healer. She’s studied the mystical arts for over a decade from studying the stars, palm reading, tarot, mediumship, energy work, curanderismo, EFT tapping, and more. She’s passionate about being of service and helping others heal. She blends astrology with other healing modalities as a tool for transformation. Follow her on Instagram and TikTok. Â