Hello, Your Weekly Horoscope Is Here

Hello, Your Weekly Horoscope Is Here

Overview: Back to school! On Wednesday, Virgo season begins and summer starts to wind down. We’re feeling ready to get back to our routines and earthy consistency. On the same day, Mercury turns retrograde in Virgo, helping us prioritize our routines especially when we’re in transition so they can stabilize us. On Sunday, Mars enters Libra, helping us frame conflict in relationship as a potential bridge to closeness, depending on how we/they manage differences.

Read your Sun/Rising horoscope:


Small goals only, Aries! Wednesday’s start to Virgo season helps you begin working on a personal development goal with small steps. Mercury Retrograde begins in Virgo on the same day, so you’ll want to remember that slowly is the fastest way to go. Mars enters your Libra-ruled romance zone on Sunday, helping you find boundaries for protection and connection.


Express yourself, Taurus! Wednesday’s start to Virgo season helps you share substantial information about yourself. Mercury turns retrograde in Virgo on the same day and helps you use your words, even when it feels vulnerable. Mars enters your Libra-ruled wellbeing zone on Sunday, so be sure to prioritize and protect your own self-care needs.



What is “home,” Gemini? Wednesday’s start to Virgo season helps you understand and experience belonging. Mercury turns retrograde in Virgo on the same day and empowers you to communicate what you’re feeling in real time. Mars enters your Libra-ruled confidence zone on Sunday, inspiring you to ground down in self-esteem, passion, and power.


Use your words, Cancer! Wednesday’s start to Virgo season helps you expand your communication skills. Mercury Retrograde in Virgo begins on the same day and inspires you to work through your fears of tough conversations. Mars enters your Libra-ruled home zone on Sunday, empowering you to pursue emotional safety, family, and belonging.


Ground down, Leo. Wednesday’s start to Virgo season helps you live into your values and find your center. Mercury turns retrograde in Virgo on the same day, inspiring you to listen to the wisdom of your body and find safety in healing. Mars enters your Libra-ruled communication zone on Sunday, helping you bring more warmth and diplomacy to your words.


Happy birthday, Virgo! Your birthday month begins on Wednesday and puts your birthday wishes on the top of the universe’s priority list. Mercury turns retrograde in your sign on the same day, helping you interrupt several patterns that keep you stuck. Mars enters your Libra-ruled financial literacy on Sunday, empowering you to advocate for your worth.


Balance is key, Libra. Wednesday’s start to Virgo season helps you find a sense of release. Mercury turns retrograde in Virgo on the same day, giving you the chance to find closure through dialogue and tough but necessary conversations. Mars enters your sign on Sunday and balances the ending with new energy for excitement and aliveness.


Clock out, Scorpio. Wednesday’s start to Virgo season helps you complete a productive month and reunites you with your friends. Mercury turns retrograde in Virgo on the same day and brings friends from your past into the present. On Sunday, Mars enters your Libra-ruled spirituality zone, providing you with a practice that helps you find closure, forgiveness, and peace.


Level up, Sag! Wednesday’s start to Virgo season begins your most ambitious, career-focused month. On the same day, Mercury turns retrograde in Virgo and helps you professionally succeed by supporting you to finish what’s past due. Mars enters your Libra-ruled friendship zone on Sunday and strengthens your leadership skills among your community and friends.


Bon voyage, Capricorn! Wednesday’s start to Virgo season extends the summer vacation and takes you on an adventure. On Wednesday, Mercury turns retrograde in Virgo, inspiring you to explore a country or campus that’s been hinting at you. Mars enters your Libra-ruled career zone on Sunday, inspiring you to step into leadership, self-employment, and freedom within your work.


Turn up the heat, Aquarius! Wednesday’s start to Virgo season begins your sexiest, most intimate chapter of the year. Mercury turns retrograde on Wednesday in Virgo, reminding you that the most erotic organ in the sex is the brain. Intelligence and communication is a turn-on. Mars enters Libra on Sunday and wants you to let your curiosities take you to exciting places.


Love is in the air, Pisces! Wednesday’s start to Virgo season provides you with the romance and connection you’ve been longing for. Mercury turns retrograde in Virgo on Wednesday, bringing some people back from the past. Was it bad timing? Mars enters your Libra-ruled intimacy zone on Sunday, helping you deepen your relationships with greater intimacy and trust.


Colin Bedell

Colin is a literal Gemini Twin Astrologer from Long Island, New York and a two-time graduate of the New School with his Bachelor’s in Literature from Eugene Lang College and Master’s in Fashion Studies from Parsons School of Design. A passionate student of astrology, A Course in Miracles, and other systems of personal-growth, Colin founded QueerCosmos to meaningfully contextualize queer identities across the zodiac and universal spiritual themes. Additionally, Colin leads private natal chart readings and horoscope columns with international publications. For more, head over to QueerCosmos.com. 

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