Ada Rojas Is Teaching Latinas How Balancing Your Chakras Can Lead to Successful Business

Ada Rojas Is Teaching Latinas How Balancing Your Chakras Can Lead to Successful Business

Ada Rojas knows a thing or two about running successful businesses. But for a long time, what she didn’t know was that the health of her chakras, or energy vortexes, had a direct impact on the health of her businesses. In fact, it was a game changer for Rojas to realize this, because when she learned to balance her chakras and keep them in optimal health, her business thrived in a whole new way.

“Once I finally realized that my business was a vehicle for me to become the highest version of myself, I really started to honor how it was mirroring to me some of my greatest healing work,” Rojas tells POPSUGAR Juntos. “As a result, I leveled up as an entrepreneur and made more money than I had ever made before in my businesses while working less.”

Now, she’s sharing this knowledge with other Latina entrepreneurs through a variety of online courses and workshops. This new venture follows years of accomplishments for Rojas, a talented businesswoman with a background in marketing, public relations, and digital media. Rojas has launched successful business ventures, including the lifestyle brand Vecina Couture. She has also produced live events and has collaborated with major brands like HBO, L’Oreal, Instagram, and Kia Motors. Still, there was always something missing. Something was off.

“I experienced a lot of success with my businesses, but as I began to go deeper into my spiritual journey, I noticed that certain things that I was avoiding working through or healing in my personal life were spilling over into my business, and getting in the way of my alignment,” Rojas says. “I started going back to therapy, making more intuitive-based business decisions, and learning more about the chakras.”

This newfound knowledge helped Rojas gain a deeper understanding of our energy centers and how they impact our life and business. Currently, Rojas hosts the “Work Your Magic” podcast, which highlights the spiritual aspects of entrepreneurship, her journey, and her advice to others.

“I am most passionate about business and wellness, pivoting into intuitive business coaching, and helping other entrepreneurs get off the hamster wheel.”

“I am most passionate about business and wellness, pivoting into intuitive business coaching, and helping other entrepreneurs get off the hamster wheel,” she says. Like many, Rojas’s spiritual awakening followed a traumatic event. Her boyfriend of two years passed away in 2012, and the pain she experienced was a doorway to a whole new version of herself, or, as she describes, it was the catalyst for her awakening.

“I am so grateful for the ways it reminded me of how powerful our souls are when we dare to stop living life in safety and stagnation and stop making choices based on what everyone else thinks is best for our life,” she says. “It was an opportunity to move my life out of autopilot, finally start honoring my intuition, and open myself up to higher vibrations.”

That high needed to be passed on to others so that Rojas could truly spread the joy she was experiencing through healing and balancing her chakras. “I wanted to share this medicine with my community so it could impact and change their lives as well,” Rojas says. “There are so many Indigenous and ancestrally rooted ways for us to approach life and business that do not get celebrated or highlighted enough.”

That also informed her passion to pass on these lessons to other Latina businesswomen. Rojas says she created online courses to meet every Latina entrepreneur’s needs. Whether you’re in need of taking a closer look at your own spiritual personal development or you want to align your spiritual health with your business, she has got you covered.

“For those that are new to me and my work, my Good Vibes and Chill Vision Board workshop is a great place to start,” Rojas says.

She describes how the virtual workshop is for women looking to understand how manifestation really works and get inspired to finally take aligned actions toward the life they have always dreamed of and desired by creating an intentional vision board that is not only beautiful but actually works.

Rojas also offers Healing Through the Chakras and Business through the Chakras, two courses intended to deepen the spiritual connection and manifest greatness both personally and professionally.

“It’s a safe and supportive space for soul-led women to be authentic and heal in community,” she says.

Additionally, Rojas describes how the course also helps Latina soul-led entrepreneurs get really clear about what success looks like and feels like for them on their own terms without it being attached to financial gain, external validation, or anything else that society is constantly projecting as success.

Ultimately, Rojas’s dream is to see chakra healing, root work, and honoring the intuition become a normal part of business.

Rojas says, “As an entrepreneur myself, I know firsthand how difficult it is to build a successful business as a Black Latina. This program is my love letter to entrepreneurs truly looking to join me in my mission to decolonize entrepreneurship.”

Image Source: Yael Duval Photography

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