Every Single Photo of Taylor Swift on a Red Carpet…Like, Ever

Every Single Photo of Taylor Swift on a Red Carpet…Like, Ever

As you likely know all too well,

Taylor Swift has never stepped on a red carpet that she hasn’t completely dominated. Whether she’s wearing a delicate princess dress, a bejeweled jumpsuit, or a simple cardigan (so sorry, can’t help myself), she always looks gorgeous (trying to stop, can’t).

Tay’s been walking red carpets since back in the days of yore (by which I mean, circa 2006), and her style has definitely evolved over the years—not to mention, throughout her various eras. Like, anyone else remember when she wore cowboy boots on the red carpet so that she wouldn’t accidentally fall? Bless.

Check out 150 pics and counting of every. single. one. of Taylor’s red carpet moments—and FYI, if you’re wondering how she picks out her looks, Tay once said that she keeps her friends’ opinions front of mind: “When I’m getting dressed, it’s always based on what my friends will think. They are my number one priority and the opinions of girls are more important to me at this point in my life.”

Kay cool, just a few notes before we dive in: In this house, we believe a red carpet appearance involves an actual carpet. So please don’t be dismayed if your fave random Taylor appearance at, like, TRL didn’t make the cut. Also, if we somehow missed a red carpet moment, despite a truly next-level deep dive, a million apologies, please forgive us.

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