The Foundational Building Block is Found!
We see people looking for who they are all the time, and as Christians, we know our identity is ultimately found in our Maker.
We are sons and daughters of God.
For people who don’t yet have a relationship with Jesus, the search for identity is this “thing” being searched for but not within reach of finding.
It is like grasping in the wind. Sometimes, it feels as though “it” has been caught, but with only a glimpse of this disillusioned idea of what is true about ourselves.
When we build our ideas off of who we think we are instead of the real truth of who we are, we build our lives on shaky ground.
Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock. Matthew 7:24-25
I married and became a young mother at 19. I went from being a child myself to being a mother.
I identified with being a wife and mother before being a daughter of God.
So whenever something pertaining to being a wife or mother didn’t go well, all aspects of my life seemed shaky. I couldn’t make sense of what I was doing with my life.
I was disillusioned into thinking that if anything was “wrong” with my role as a wife and mother, everything in my life was shaky!
Here is what I had to come to realize…
Our life is built on building blocks. The foundational block of our entire life is YOU and GOD.
If you try to build your foundational block from being a wife, mother, or career woman, that foundation is very shaky.
The world teaches us how to be considered successful by basing our lives on these titles.
The world teaches us our identity is found in them. This is disillusionment.
It is disillusioned to think this is what our foundation is based on.
The truth is this: The solid foundation is YOU and GOD.
And nothing else. Everything else is built from this.
This is the solid foundation we can rest on.
Praise God!