Hello, Your Sex Horoscope for the Weekend Is Here

Hello, Your Sex Horoscope for the Weekend Is Here

What’s happening: Tonight, Mercury forms an awkward quincunx aspect with Pluto, bringing the potential for major miscommunications. Luckily, right after that, Mercury scoots into Virgo, its favorite sign—much better for talking things out. The Sun is quincunx Saturn on Saturday, and Venus Retrograde makes a quincunx aspect to Neptune. Mars harmonizes with Jupiter on Tuesday, revving up your sex drive, but at the same time Mercury is opposite Saturn, which is an astrological red flag for trouble.

What that means for you:


This week could feel a lot like *cue Olivia Rodrigo* one step forward, three steps back. First, you and your partner aren’t on the same page. Maybe you have an issue with something they did or said, and they’re completely oblivious—the opposite could be true, too. Instead of talking it out when it happened, y’all waited, and there’s potential for a big fight to happen over something small. You need to approach love in a more practical manner this week—it’s not all sunshine and rainbows all the time! Identify the problem, talk about it, and find a solution.


It’s difficult to enjoy your love life when you’re still pining for someone from the past, and it looks like you’re still a little hung up on someone! It’s Venus Retrograde, so they could show up soon and you can talk things out, but I don’t want you waiting around for a “maybe.” It’s time to move forward. I’m not saying you need to go out and screw the first person that flashes a smile at you—in fact, this week’s astro isn’t the greatest for hookups—but what I am saying is that you needed to move on from that ex like, yesterday.



You’re the zodiac’s biggest chatterbox, Gemini, but you’re awfully quiet when it comes to sharing your feelings. This week, you’re really clamming up, but your partner wants you to let your walls down. Intimacy and closeness can be a good thing, friend. You don’t need to be so scared to commit. It’s Venus Retrograde, so don’t DTR or pop the question quite yet. But don’t run away at the first signs of someone wanting to get really close to you, either.


If you’re boo’d up, there are some speed bumps this weekend. You’re feeling more stubborn, and a tiny misunderstanding could become a huge fight. For all the single Cancers, Mercury entering Virgo makes it easier than ever to connect with others, so you’re matching with everyone you swipe right on, talking to all the cuties at the bar, and getting laid. Tuesday’s the sexiest day of the week, so if you’re trying to hook up and have some fun, that’s when you should shoot your shot. But be warned: These hookups will stay hookups. Don’t expect a text from your fling the next day. If you can’t handle that, you might want to just enjoy being single for the week.


HBD!! I don’t want to rain on your Leo season parade, but there’s trouble this weekend. Venus is in your sign attracting hella hotties, but when it comes to the bedroom, you’re finding it difficult to perform. You’re not in the mood, or you’re not feeling the chemistry, or you’re getting bored—whatever it is, there’s a blockage, and you need to get out of this rut. Get a little kinky! Buy some toys! You gotta spice it up, Leo!


Venus Retrograde brings your exes back around, but for you, they’re not actually reaching out. It looks like you’re feeling tempted to reach out to an ex. Whether you’ve last talked to them six months ago or six years ago, you’re pretty emotional and you want to talk to them. I suggest, well, not doing that. This week’s astro is a little rough, and you’d likely end up being rejected, leaving you with a broken heart. Mind your business, stay in your lane, and remember that if they wanted to talk, they’d hit you up. Move on.


It looks like an ex is getting in touch! Nothing serious—they’re most likely looking for a little action. If you’re down to clown around and hook up, I’m not gonna stop you! But if you’re looking to reignite that lost spark and get romantic, I have some bad news. It ain’t gonna happen. More and more planets are entering Virgo, the loneliest part of your chart, so expect to start getting way less action soon.


This week’s astrology is lighting up your chart’s 5th house, which rules romance, sex, and fun. Unfortunately, some of the more difficult planets are hanging out in your 5th house, which means you’re feeling a blockage in your love life. You’re comfortable right now. You’re happy casually dating, or hanging out with your situationship, or you’re relaxing with your fiancée and taking plenty of time to figure out a wedding date. It’s a bad time to DTR or pop the question (thanks, Venus Retrograde), but it’s a great time to think about how you’re going to start that conversation. They’re ready for your relationship to level up. Are you?


You’re known as the most adventurous sign, Sagittarius, but lately you’ve been pretty… stagnant. Your partner is planning more of your outings, initiating getting spicy in the bedroom, and craving adventure, and you’re the one sitting on the sideline or saying, “No, not tonight. Maybe later.” The roles have flipped! Leave your comfort zone, and make your love life fun again. Surprise your boo with some new moves in bed, or get really dressed up for them, or plan an exciting date. Spice it up! You’ll feel back to your regular self before you know it.


What’s that? I can’t hear you. Speak up! If there are problems in your relationship, you can’t just sit and watch them happen. You need to say something! Waiting silently and holding in your feelings will lead to resentment, which is never good for your relationship. Whether they never text back, or forget important dates, or haven’t spent enough time with you—bring it up before it becomes a serious problem. Once you clear the air, you’ll both feel way better. Plus, Tuesday’s astro is hot and heavy!


Just because you’re having a good time with someone doesn’t mean they’re actually a good match. You’re flirting and fooling around with someone, but as you get to know them more, you’re finding that there are more than a few incompatibilities. Instead of ignoring the red flags, take a serious look at the state of your relationship/situationship. Is this sustainable? Does it seem like it’ll last for long? If they’re already annoying you, imagine how bad things could get if you stay together for a few months or years. Know your worth, understand that a solid relationship takes more than good chemistry, and move on.


Mercury, the planet of communication, enters your chart’s relationships zone tonight, which means this is one of the best times of year to shoot your shot. Starting The Talk or other important conversations with your boo feels more effortless, and connecting with everyone in general is easier now. Be bold, go after who you want, and take initiative. Right now, you’re the one who needs start the conversation.

Headshot of Jake Register

Jake Register (better known by his Instagram handle, @jakesastrology) is a Libra and the author of Cosmopolitan’s weekly Sexoscopes. He lives in southeastern North Carolina and loves making astrology content. Follow his IG or Twitter @jakesastrology, and to book a reading, go to Jakesastrology.as.me.

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