Overview: Don’t forget to exhale this week! Wednesday’s Mercury trine to Jupiter helps us breathe a sigh of relief and provides us with the grounding, organization, and calm we’ve needed this summer. On Sunday, the annual Sun-Venus conjunction in Leo gives us reprieve from Venus Retrograde drama and helps us relate to the ones we love with an open heart.
Read your Sun/Rising sign horoscope:
Notice the small things, Aries! Wednesday’s Mercury trine to Jupiter helps you cultivate more mindfulness to pay attention to what needs to be known so you can solve problems effectively. On Sunday, the Sun-Venus conjunction in Leo helps you bravely share a substantial piece of information courageously: a feeling, need, hope, and/or fear with someone who needs to hear it.
Limit the likelihood of a crisis of confidence, Taurus! Wednesday’s Mercury trine to Jupiter wants you to environmentally reduce opportunities that hijack your confidence. What can you do to protect your self-esteem? On Sunday, the Sun-Venus conjunction in Leo reframes your relationship to family, belonging, and home, especially as you name what you’re feeling.
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Break the habit, Gemini. Wednesday’s Mercury trine to Jupiter liberates you from a disempowering pattern that you’re engaging in. Pause and choose a different response. On Sunday, the Sun-Venus conjunction in Leo reminds you that when it comes to communication, nobody does it like you. Step into that role proudly and leverage it well!
Heal in dialogue, don’t suffer in monologue, Cancer! Wednesday’s Mercury trine to Jupiter helps you have a supportive conversation with friends who need to know what you’re thinking and feeling. On Sunday, the Sun-Venus conjunction in Leo helps you achieve financial success through identifying and implementing your values for integrity.
Live into your values, Leo! Wednesday’s Mercury trine to Jupiter inspires you to practice what you teach because it will offer you unforeseen professional success. You’ll want to think about which career choice implements your values. On Sunday, the Sun-Venus conjunction in Leo renews your relationship to relationships. This affirms your worthiness for love and belonging, and your partner’s/partners’, too!
Define and disclose, Virgo. Wednesday’s Mercury trine to Jupiter inspires you reintroduce yourself in a way that helps you meet a braver version of yourself and help your loved ones know you’re changing in front of their eyes. On Sunday, the Sun-Venus conjunction in Leo heals you from past patterns and pain so you can love more fearlessly in the present.
Turn towards the taboo, Libra. Wednesday’s Mercury trine to Jupiter inspires you to acknowledge grief, sex, and/or money in a conversation. This will definitely make you uncomfortable, but will also inspire you. Sunday’s Sun-Venus conjunction in Leo intentionally blurs the lines between friend and lover so you can experience the best of both.
Let’s talk, Scorpio. Wednesday’s Mercury trine to Jupiter inspires a discussion before a decision between you and your people. Be super specific about your request and listen carefully to the requests of others before agreeing. Sunday’s Sun-Venus conjunction in Leo attracts the people who want to help you professionally succeed in wonderful ways.
Build your skills, Sag! Wednesday’s Mercury trine to Jupiter increases your curiosities to learn the skills that can help you achieve a professional edge. You love to learn so normalize the discomfort of being new at something and stay committed to the process! Sunday’s Sun-Venus conjunction expands your thinking on love and belonging so you can act into different choice which yield more positive results!
You’re worthy as is, Capricorn. Wednesday’s Mercury trine to Jupiter helps you see your worthiness for love and belonging as inherent, not as something that’s externally defined. Right now, you’re worthy AND a work in progress. Sunday’s Sun-Venus conjunction in Leo invigorates you.
Debunk the “detached” stereotype, Aquarius! Wednesday’s Mercury trine to Jupiter shows your emotional range in beautiful ways. Open up to the people you trust, so they can see how much you care. Saturday’s Sun-Venus conjunction is your romantic opportunity to deepen current dynamics, complete ones that have served their purpose, and even call in new connections!
Use your words, Pisces! Wednesday’s Mercury trine to Jupiter helps you assert yourself and be a student of someone else’s perspective at the same time. It’s all about the balance. Sunday’s Sun-Venus conjunction in Leo helps you reframe your approach to wellbeing and inspires you to commit to new habits which support the health of your mind, body, heart, and soul.
Colin Bedell
Colin is a literal Gemini Twin Astrologer from Long Island, New York and a two-time graduate of the New School with his Bachelor’s in Literature from Eugene Lang College and Master’s in Fashion Studies from Parsons School of Design. A passionate student of astrology, A Course in Miracles, and other systems of personal-growth, Colin founded QueerCosmos to meaningfully contextualize queer identities across the zodiac and universal spiritual themes. Additionally, Colin leads private natal chart readings and horoscope columns with international publications. For more, head over to QueerCosmos.com.