Pisces Monthly Horoscope

Pisces Monthly Horoscope


You’ve been working your fins off, Pisces, and you’re ready for a fresh start. Heeeeere it comes! With lucky Jupiter entering your sign for the first time since 2011, you’re about to begin a brand-new life chapter, one that will unfold over the next dozen years. The May starmap will revitalize your social life and provide opportunities to rest, regroup and get ready for big things on the horizon. You may even be looking at a career breakthrough toward the end of the month, thanks to a potent lunar eclipse. But act fast or put things off temporarily: Communicator Mercury turns retrograde on May 29, tossing a dose of confusion and tangled wires at everything for three weeks.



The Sun is in Taurus until May 20

Connecting is everything this month, Pisces! With the Sun making its annual visit to Taurus, your third house of communication and community is activated. It really IS about “who you know” now, so find ways to safely touch base with friends, colleagues and kindred spirits. This cycle is favorable for teaching and learning.


Find ways to up your skill set (especially with social media or technology) and to share your inspired messages with a bigger platform. Your eager audience could be much closer than you think, Pisces. With the Sun heating up your local-action zone, opportunity might be in your own neighborhood or downtown district.


A fresh start at the May 11 Taurus new moon

Are you ready to (safely) mingle and share ideas? The May 11 Taurus new moon activates your expressive third house. New ideas and conversations spark up along with opportunities to collaborate. You could meet a kindred spirit whose skills complement yours to a tee.


But don’t rush to team up. For starters, Mercury is turning retrograde later this month, which could give you second thoughts. New moons also have an arc of six months, and this one will unfold between today and the Taurus full moon (a powerful lunar eclipse) on November 19.


Best bet? Test your synergy on a trial project. Ask questions, interview other candidates, explore your options. Invest the minimal amount of skin in the game and take a few baby steps. That way, you won’t burn a bridge or lose a friend if the duo turns out to be less-than dynamic in real time. Reserve the right to change your mind! 


Jupiter visits Pisces and brings a fresh start from May 13 to July 28

Wow, Pisces! Things are about to make a major 180-degree turn for you. Every 12 years, Jupiter—the planet of luck, growth and adventure—visits your sign for about a year. (The last time this happened was between January 2010 and January 2011, so look back to that era for clues!)


When lucky, optimistic Jupiter enters your sign on May 13, you’ll enjoy a sneak preview of a positive, longer trend that starts at the end of the year. With Jupiter in your first house of fresh starts and solo projects, you could be inspired to begin a completely new path in life. You’ll feel hopeful and connected to greater things—and stand to gain the most of this time if you aim your special brand of caring and compassion at others.


And it’s not a moment too soon. Since December, both Jupiter and Saturn have been in Aquarius and your twelfth house of rest, closure and healing. Although Pisces is the natural ruler of this zodiac zone, the weight of these two planets could have you feeling isolated or adrift at times. On the plus side, a spiritual and artistic awakening could be brewing, and you may have reached a point of inner tranquility by surrendering to this slowed-down pace.


But finding a life direction or clear path hasn’t been quite so easy. Once Jupiter moves into Pisces, all that inner turmoil could start to make sense. A blurry picture may come into focus. Jupiter is the planet of travel, learning and entrepreneurship—and one of your close-to-the-heart goals could involve these areas.


Since this is the first of two Jupiter-in-Pisces cycles, don’t feel pressured to figure it all out at once. Jupiter typically moves into a new zodiac sign once a year. But in 2021, Jupiter will visit Pisces for two and a half months, reverse into Aquarius on July 28 for five months, then return to Pisces again for a longer stay from December 28, 2021, until May 10, 2020.


Translation: You’ll be taking your newfound discoveries back into the twelfth-house cocoon later this summer. Then, you can emerge a true butterfly at the end of the year!


Gemini season begins on May 20

While Jupiter’s got you eager to get back into the wider world, Chateau Pisces will also beckon with a sweet siren song a week later. Gemini season starts on Thursday, May 20, lighting up your domestic fourth house for a month. Make time between your new adventures for family, nesting and self-care. Tend to your emotional foundations and make sure you feel centered inside. It’s especially important as you begin taking risks and stretching beyond your comfort zone that you have that deep-seated anchor in place.


Saturn turns retrograde from May 23 to October 10

Another reason to make sure you’re strong on the inside? Well, you can’t build a new empire on a crumbling foundation. The focus on healing and closure work intensifies when cautious Saturn turns retrograde in Aquarius and your twelfth house of endings, rest and the subconscious on Sunday, May 23.


Use this time to slow down—and finish a chapter of your life that’s ready to end. Make sure to get emotional support as needed. It’s a bit of a paradox that you have to simultaneously focus on the old AND the new over the next couple months. But hey, Pisces is a dual sign, and you’re used to these kinds of complexities. In your view, that’s just life!


Still, make sure you have ample support, especially if you have a history of addiction, mental health issues or self-sabotaging patterns. It would be all too easy to relapse during Saturn retrograde, especially if you don’t have a regular structure to manage stress. Do your part by committing to a practice of meditation, exercise and relaxing. If need be, solicit the help of a qualified expert who can help you through any psychological blocks or challenges that could arise.


Eclipse season begins on May 26 with the Sagittarius lunar eclipse

You’ll want to be rested and centered when the Sagittarius lunar eclipse ripples through your house of career and recognition arrives on Wednesday, May 26. These unpredictable moonbeams could bring a major career breakthrough or professional change out of the blue.


This full moon also happens to be a supermoon, adding even MORE potency to the mix. A client or co-worker could suddenly depart or announce a huge shift of plans. You could be offered an opportunity that’s too good NOT to explore, but it may require a drastic lifestyle pivot, like relocation or a completely different work schedule. Maybe you realize you’re just D-O-N-E with a certain professional path and ready to rip the Band-Aid off.


Look back to December 14, 2020, and the corresponding Sagittarius new moon, which was also an eclipse. Events that transpired then set the stage for what will come to fruition today.


Mercury spins retrograde in Gemini from May 29 to June 22

Did the eclipse bring a compelling offer? You’ll need to sign on the dotted line quickly or put any major moves off for a fclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” ew weeks (stall on contract negotiations if you can). When messenger Mercury turns retrograde on May 29, you’ll have to navigate scrambled signals, delayed plans and data wonkiness for three weeks. Back up your devices and take extra care with your words.


Mercury will be retrograde in Gemini, the ruler of your domestic fourth house. Home could become a friction point, or there could be some issues to resolve with a family member. Is work-from-home stclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” ress getting to you? You may need to make some new arrangements to improve that. Check out our Feng Shui and astrology course Home Reset to bring “om” back to your home.

Venus luxuriates in Taurus until May 8

Talk is sweet—and anything but cheap—with love planet Venus in Taurus and your communication house for the first week of May. With the planet of harmony here, you can get back on the same page as your sweetie or develop a strong chemistry with someone new through interesting conversation. 


A casual contact could turn into something more when Venus trines alchemical Pluto on May 6, with both planets nestled in friendship zones of your chart. Feeling that sexy spark or the potential for deeper chemistry? Explore the possibilities lightly—in other words, talk first before acting on any impulses!


Mars turns up the heat in Cancer all month

Passion ignites all month as hot-and-heavy Mars blazes through Cancer and your passionate fifth house. This sexy and self-expressed cycle only happens every two years, so make the most of this magnetic boost to your confidence and charisma. Watch out for drama, which can easily flare. But add some theatrical touches to your wardrobe and conversations. Playfulness is sexy now!


Finding yourself turning heads without trying? That’s how the red planet rolls, acting as your cosmic Cupid and giving you extra swagger. Between now and June 11, be bold and fearless if you’re feeling a connection. Don’t wait to be pursued or take a tentative approach like you may normally do. Caveat: Just a dab of this energy will do you—and too much could come across as cocky or egotistical, turning people off quickly.


Love turns domestic with Venus in Gemini from May 8 to June 2

Take a few breaks between those passionate encounters! Starting May 8, Venus will luxuriate in Gemini and your fourth house of home, family and self-care. You’re in the mood for frisky fun AND serious bonding and nesting. While you should definitely get out of the house and (safely) seek novelty, you should also spend time sprucing up your Zen den, adding romantic ambience and cozy comfort to Chateau Pisces—whether you enjoy those solo or in the company of an affectionate plus-one!


Huge change is on the horizon this month, starting in the second half of May. Lucky and enterprising Jupiter will make its first of two visits to Pisces from May 13 to July 28, sparking your startup spirits and introducing a flood of new options that you may never have considered. Your wheels will start turning a couple days prior at the May 11 Taurus new moon, when you could hear news of an opportunity or get an intriguing pitch. But things will really activate on May 26, when the Sagittarius full moon—which is both a game-changing lunar eclipse AND a supermoon—beams into your tenth house of career and success. Anything from a major leadership opportunity to a total change of professional path could be on tap before the month is over.


Love Days: 15, 20

Money Days: 26, 8

Luck Days: 24, 5

Off Days: 18, 22

See All Signs

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