Exclusive: Allow Tinx to Reintroduce Herself in an Excerpt from Her Debut Book, ‘The Shift’

Exclusive: Allow Tinx to Reintroduce Herself in an Excerpt from Her Debut Book, ‘The Shift’

After watching probably hundreds of her videos, you probably think you know Tinx. In fact, for a while, she also thought she knew herself. But now she’s getting the chance to introduce herself yet again in a brand new way with some major life lessons that we can honestly all use in our lives.

When she wasn’t busy basically living her best life, recording her hit podcast, getting real about dating, and occasionally giving us some major glam and outfit inspo as she heads off to a new event, she was writing up her first book and now you’ll finally get to check it out too!

Cosmopolitan got a look at The Shift: Change Your Perspective, Not Yourself, which will be released on May 23, 2023 and trust us when we say you’re going to want to pick this up ASAP. Not only does Tinx continue to delight us with her unique voice and her endless pop culture references (wait until you read her very valid point about SATC), but she’s also dealing out some very real advice on growing up, dating, and finally becoming your best self.



Alex Stone

If you’re already ready to live the Tinx life, then get ready because the official description from Simon & Schuster will have you even more excited:

The lifestyle creator, advice expert, and host of the It’s Me, Tinx podcast shares her hilarious and (sometimes brutally) honest wisdom on how to shift your approach to life, step into your confidence, and enjoy the journey.

It’s time to get laser focused on what makes us feel happy and fulfilled. Lifestyle creator, advice expert, and podcast host Tinx wants to take your hand and guide you to a new way of thinking about life, love, happiness, and friendships—where dating evolves into era of self-discovery and not just a means to an end, sharing wisdom becomes a collective power, and chaos turns into a source of creativity. Making small but mighty shifts in thinking can be a tool for personal growth that fuels you instead of fatigues you. The point is to know yourself, discover what you fulfills you, and have fun along the way.

In The Shift, Tinx collects all her revolutionary theories and hilarious personal anecdotes in one place, presenting you with a guide to simple mindset shifts that will completely change the way you approach decision making and relationships.

Through her own stories, from the good to the bad, Tinx will help you better understand how to step into your power and own self-worth. Some say you cannot love another before you learn to love yourself: Tinx will teach you how to do both at the same time. And she’ll do it while making you laugh out loud.

With her signature wit and candor, Tinx will teach you:
-How to change your scarcity mindset
-How to understand and employ her famous Box Theory dating concept
-How to feed the things that fulfill you
-How living well is the best revenge
-How therapy can reframe struggles into strengths
-How to break up with dignity
-How knowing your worth makes you a better friend and partner

Before you run to preorder The Shift, don’t miss out on an exclusive excerpt below! And, as a special bonus, you can even click play to follow along with the audiobook read by none other than Tinx herself!

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An Excerpt From The Shift
By Tinx


Not to be that basic bitch who starts her book with a Sex and the City analogy, but . . . we need to discuss the fact that the central crisis in that iconic show boiled down to Big vs. Aidan. A series that included four successful, independent women (okay, Carrie’s autonomy is debatable) with thriving careers, phenomenal wardrobes, and, most important, rock-solid friendships, came down to: Will she end up with this guy or that guy? (Or ballet guy, but let’s be real, he was never really in the running.) We all know that Carrie was incredibly narcissistic, which is why it’s so ironic that such a self-centered person focused solely on whom she was or wasn’t attached to. The fact is, she put all her worth in the hands of those men, and we ate it up. Doesn’t matter whether you were Team Big or Team Aidan, there was no concern about Carrie becoming her best self or discovering her own happiness—the only thing that mattered was whom she ended up with. I couldn’t help but wonder . . . is that what women do?

We spend so much time and effort trying to find someone to make us feel whole and valid, never asking “Who makes me feel most like myself?” or “What do I even like?” We waste precious years of our lives looking outward during the time we should be looking inward to figure out exactly who we really are and exactly what we really need. By the time we do enter into a relationship, that sense of self and those wants and needs are so obscured, they get consumed by the wants and needs of others. And that’s why so many women end up sad and unhappy later in life. In the pursuit of finding someone to share their lives with, they gave themselves up.

As women, we need to be laser focused on what makes us feel fulfilled and happy. The key to this is something I call The Shift. Think of it like rewiring the neural pathways in your brain and replacing old patterns that don’t serve you with new ones that do. The Shift is a simple way to slightly change your thinking and flip the unempowering scripts that so many of us fall prey to. Me included.

I’m Tinx and if I’m not already serving as your agony aunt on the internet and/or radio, let me tell you that my main mission in life is to help other women know their self-worth. I suppose how and why I got here deserves a little explanation, so here we go.

I was born in DC to American parents and moved to England as a baby. I grew up in London and went to an all-girls school, which was the single most influential factor in my formative years, the through line of everything that’s come since.

Being surrounded by women has always grounded me, and I think the bonds between women are tighter than any connection on the planet. If you’ll allow me to get a little woo-woo for a moment, I truly believe there’s a deeper level to sisterhood and solidarity, something that binds women together on a biological, spiritual, and existential level. The complexities of the female experience feel like part of a larger common experience—and I don’t think men feel the same way. Something about being a woman is cosmic and so fucking cool. I always felt really tapped into that, even as a young girl.

Don’t get me wrong—I LOVE men. I love to flirt. I love sex. But I will forever be hoes before bros. If I see a hot guy, I might trail off in conversation a bit, but I always come back to my team. And that’s because I spent such a crucial part of my life focused only on girlfriends, with guys as an extracurricular. Like Cher said, men are just dessert.

Then I went to college, and all that went out the window. It was like I had grown up on a strict diet and then suddenly went to an all-you-can-eat buffet. It was extremely exciting, and to go with this whole buffet metaphor, I gained my freshman fifteen and then some. Boys had been an after-school treat, but now they lived directly across the hallway from me—it was fresh, hot college guys for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

I learned a lot in the decade that followed: namely, how to not lose yourself in the pursuit of a guy who doesn’t value you, which would evolve into one of my most renowned dating concepts: Box Theory (more on that later). I learned that I felt better when I focused inward, and also when I surrounded myself with other women. I learned that I was happiest when writing, so I started freelancing pieces where I threw myself into crazy situations, like going on a date every week for a year, or hooking up with my trainer. I loved slipping on the banana peel so others could learn from my mistakes. I also learned that just because you love writing and fashion does not mean you will be happy going to grad school for it in New York, where I ended up watching the entire anthology of Real Housewives and drinking a lot (a lot a lot) of wine.

I knew I needed a change, and Southern California had always intrigued me (I blame growing up watching The Hills and Laguna Beach), so I followed my curiosity, packed two suitcases, and moved to LA on my twenty-ninth birthday. I had no clue what I was going to do. I applied to work at a mustard company. (“I can work at a mustard company! I LOVE mustard!”) My friends were getting married and working super-successful jobs, and I was settling for living in a dark, depressing studio above a strip club and working as a marketing consultant for a weed company, where I admitted to a bunch of pot professionals that I didn’t know the difference between indica and sativa.

Nevertheless, there was a fire burning in me. I knew I needed to keep searching. Little by little, I took on more consulting clients, kept freelancing, made some friends, and started to feel the vibe in LA.

And then the pandemic hit.

I was still living in that sad, dark apartment and was so alone, so far from family. (Moment of self-awareness here: I had it much better than many, many people around the world. Don’t cry for me, Quarantina.) All the consulting clients I had worked so hard to get were going bankrupt one by one. I was desperate to write, but shockingly no one was in the mood for lighthearted articles about leggings.

With the exception of an online controversy that would strip me to the bones a few years down the line (I believe this is what they call “foreshadowing” in the literary world?), it was the most confusing, most destabilizing time in my life, and my daily lifestyle and decisions reflected it.

It was about this time that I heard from friends about a new app that everyone was obsessed with in quarantine. It sounded like everyone was just learning the same dances to the same songs. “Weird,” I thought. But also, what did I have to lose? I made my first (dance-free) TikTok on May 1, 2020, and the rest is history.

Not to be dramatic, but I knew the moment I hit record that this was what I was put on earth to do. And everything in my life had, strangely, prepared me for it. Going to an all-girls school, being president of my sorority, living and dating in different cities, and constantly throwing myself into wild situations had all trained me to help other women through tricky circumstances, especially when it came to dating. I definitely never pretended to have all the answers, and regularly prove that to this day. But I think if something I say can help someone skip over weeks wasted worrying about a guy, then I’m living my life’s purpose.

Some might wonder what qualifies me to give advice when (a) I’m only thirty-two, which is old for TikTok but pretty young for seasoned wisdom, and (b) I’ve spent most of my time in the internet spotlight as a single person. Which brings me back to the Sex and the City conundrum—what makes being part of a couple the most important qualification? Why is that the bar we measure everything against?

If you take away one thing from this book, let it be this: Dating is not a means to an end. The goal of dating is not to end up in a relationship. The goal is to know yourself, completely. And by that metric, I’m wise as fuck. I’ve spent so much time falling on my face but then getting up and using each face-plant to learn more about who I am, what makes me happy, and what doesn’t serve me. And over a lifetime of listening to other women’s trials and tribulations when it comes to dating, I’ve observed that most of us are looking at it all wrong.

Let’s imagine that dating is like playing a video game (stay with me here, I don’t play video games either). Most people think the objective is to get to the end without falling off a cliff, getting squashed, or being clobbered by a huge evil toad. That’s wrong. You’re going to get scrapes and bruises along the way. You’re going to go on bad dates. You’re going to have your heart broken. The point is not to get to the end unscathed. The point is to know yourself, discover what you like and don’t like, and not let the destination overpower the journey.

Once you stop thinking about dating as a means to an end and start thinking about it as an era of self-discovery, it changes everything. Which brings me to The Shift. In a nutshell, The Shift is something you can do in any situation where your brain is looking for external validation. For example, if you’re mentally spiraling over some dude and worrying, “Does he like me?” you can shift your thinking to “Do I like him?” or “How does he make me feel?” or “Actually, how’s his dick game?” It reframes the inner narrative and reminds you that you are the prize.

Let’s say you get home from a date and are going over it in your mind. Instead of thinking, “Is he gonna call me tomorrow?” you can shift the thought to “What did I learn about myself?” If it feels like an absurd question to ask yourself, that just proves how brainwashed we all are into this warped perception of what’s considered a successful date. We need these paradigm shifts to undo the ingrained ways of thinking that push aside our own wants and needs in the name of pleasing others. Rewiring your brain takes effort, but aren’t you worth it?!

When you incorporate The Shift into your life, your whole energy changes. Instead of feeling like you are at the mercy of the dating gods, you use dating as a tool for personal growth that fuels you instead of fatigues you. It helps simplify decision-making and puts the power back in your hands. Which, wouldn’t you know it, makes you way hotter and helps your dating game in the process.

In this book, I’ll give you various shifts, theories, and “holy fucking shit” breakthroughs you can apply to your life on a daily basis. We will cover everything from texting to hooking up to breakups to taking better care of yourself. I’ll share stories from my own misadventures, as well as tips and tricks I’ve learned along the way.

HUGE disclaimer: I am giving advice and sharing observations from my perspective, which is that of a privileged, straight, cisgendered woman. I would never want to speak from an unqualified place, and thus, I focus on dating dynamics between heterosexual men and women. There are so many brilliant books about LGBTQ+ relationships, so I’m staying in my extremely straight lane and writing what I know. However, my main message comes down to self-worth and prioritizing your own happiness, so if that’s something you think you’d like more of in your life, you are welcome here!

That said, if you picked up this book hoping to unlock the secret to snagging a husband, this is probably not the book for you. I acknowledge and appreciate that there are so many different schools of thought and reasons to date, so I’m not knocking the ring seekers. But if your main goal in life is to be half of a pair, then you might want to look elsewhere, because this book is about finding self-fulfillment above all else.

Other things this book is not: a “survival guide” (dating is not something to endure or be on the defense about—it should be a fun, enlightening time) or a man-hating tantrum (you can adore men—as I do—and want to get married—as I do—but you don’t need to sacrifice any part of yourself to do so).

Just remember: this is not a win-lose, pass-fail situation. Dating is not just what you do until you link up with someone and live happily ever after. If you do it right, it’s a period of introspection, a time of self-exploration, and an era of your life you will protect fiercely and look back on fondly.

Knowing that . . . welcome to The Shift, sister. Grab a drink and let’s get into it.

Copyright © 2023 by Christina Najjar. From THE SHIFT: Change Your Perspective, Not Yourself by Tinx to be published by Simon & Schuster, Inc. Printed by permission.

Audio Excerpt from THE SHIFT read by Tinx, courtesy S&S Audio

The Shift, by Tinx, will be released on May 23, 2023. To preorder the book, click on the retailer of your choice:


Headshot of Tamara Fuentes

Entertainment Editor

Tamara Fuentes is the current Entertainment Editor at Cosmopolitan, where she covers TV, movies, books, celebrities, and more. She can often be found in front of a screen fangirling about something new. Before joining Cosmopolitan, she was the entertainment editor over at Seventeen. She is also a member of the Television Critics Association and the Latino Entertainment Journalists Association. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram

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