Gemini Monthly Horoscope

Gemini Monthly Horoscope


Rest and rejuvenate for the first three weeks of May, Gemini. Your creative wheels are turning during this imaginative time, but you may also have some heavy emotions to process. It’s a good time to visualize the outcome you want but wait until Gemini season begins on May 20 to take decisive action. Even that should be slow and deliberate as your ruler Mercury will pivot retrograde on May 29. Partnerships could be reshuffled at the lunar eclipse on May 26, so think, watch and listen carefully. This is a month to gather information and reflect more than anything!



The Sun is in Taurus until May 20

May arrives with the Sun in sensual Taurus and your twelfth house of closure, healing and rest. Savor some well-deserved downtime at every opportunity. Rather than start any new projects, you’re better off completing any loose ends and unfinished projects. (As a Gemini, you probably have your fair share of them!)


Sleep will be important during this restful period. Invest in luxe new bedding and make sure you have an optimal environment for rest (ample darkness, cooler temperature, electronics out of the bedroom). You may also do some deep forgiveness work and take time to truly connect to your closest people. Conserve your energy because you’ll need it when Gemini season kicks off on Thursday, May 20.


Money and work get a fresh start at the May 11 Taurus new moon

Endings are also beginnings in the “wheel of life.” The stars remind you of that on Tuesday, May 11, when a new moon falls in your twelfth house of finality and transitions. Where do you need to proactively close a loop in your life? If there’s a conversation you’ve put off or a chapter to end, this is your chance.


There may be things to mourn, but there’s also a reason to celebrate. Focus on what will become available once you take that difficult but necessary last step. For example, when you tell your landlord you’re moving out next month, you can actually start shopping for a new place in your dream location.


Projects involving the arts, healing and spirituality also get a boost from the Taurus new moon. Tap into your imagination, and you could experience a creative renaissance that unfolds between now and the November 19 Taurus full moon, which will also be a lunar eclipse.


Jupiter fires up your goals in Pisces from May 13 to July 28

Is it time to turn those creative ideas into serious success? On Thursday, May 13, expansive Jupiter begins its first of two visits this year to Pisces and your tenth house of career and worldly achievements.


As Jupiter travels through the top of your chart for the next two and a half months, new business opportunities could pop up, perhaps from a faraway source. You might even consider relocating for a job offer. If you’ve outgrown your professional path or feel ready to rise into a leadership role, the adventurous planet sounds the call to move on. Look back to 2010, when Jupiter was last here, for clues of what may be coming to an end now.


Jupiter typically moves into a new zodiac sign once a year. But in 2021, Jupiter will make a short dip into Pisces, reverse into Aquarius on July 28 then return to Pisces again for a longer stay on December 28. This period is a sneak peek of how you’ll evolve into a new public or professional role between now and March 2022.



Gemini season begins on May 20

Wipe the sleep out of your eyes! When Gemini season starts on Thursday, May 20, it’s time to resume your place in the spotlight. Put your passion projects on the front burner and get back out there. But do it quickly because Saturn and Mercury will turn retrograde a few days later, slowing down some of your ambitious efforts.


With the Sun in your sign for the next four weeks, deeply consider the image you project to the world as well as what you “lead” with. What impression do you want to make on others? What do you want people to say or feel after meeting you? Make sure that your actions and presentation are aligned with that—from the way you introduce yourself on a Zoom meeting to your social media profiles. As a Gemini, you already may have a reputation for being changeable. Aim to be more consistent, even if you have a couple alter egos tucked away for fun.



Saturn turns retrograde from May 23 to October 10

Grand plans, interrupted? On Sunday, May 23, restrictive Saturn turns retrograde for nearly five months in your ninth house of expansion and exploration. Think twice before taking that leap of faith or making a major life change. Anything overly risky might need to be scaled down and planned better, at least for the next few months.


Go back to the drawing board and make sure your ideas aren’t so ambitious that you make a costly mistake. Inspector Saturn prefers that you build a firm foundation, even if it takes longer. It’s okay to tackle your dreams one step at a time. In fact, it’s encouraged, especially since this is the Chinese year of the methodical Metal Ox, when the saying rings true: If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.


Eclipse season begins on May 26 with the Sagittarius lunar eclipse

Relationships are revolutionized on Wednesday, May class=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” 26, when the Sagittarius lunar eclipse ( sweeps through your seventh house of commitments and contracts. Your primary partnership could get a huge boost or undergo major changes—possibly out of the blueclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” .


Not sure whether to stay or go? This eclipse, which is also a full supermoon, could force your hand, especially if you’ve been sitting on the fence. If things have become stagnant, the eclipse could launch you out of that partnership plateau. Single Geminis could meet someone with long-term relationship potential or be offered an intriguing business partnership unexpectedly.


Look back to December 14, 2020, when the corresponding Sagittarius new moon (which was also an eclipse) planted the seeds for what happens today. You might even page back to June 2020, when eclipses began rippling across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis, shaking up the balance between “me” and “we.” If you find yourself in a non-traditional relationship arrangement or crave more autonomy, the lunar eclipse helps you voice that need.


You might also open up to new levels or intimacy and partnership. One Gemini we know is expected to become a parent near this full moon; another is launching a business with their spouse. Can you enjoy the perks of a dynamic duo without losing yourself? This lunar lift shows you how!


Mercury spins retrograde in Gemini from May 29 to June 22

But wait…don’t rush into anything so binding yet. Althoughclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” the eclipse may bring a tempting offer to team up, all that glitters isn’t #goals. With your ruling planet, Mercury, turning retrograde in Gemini on Saturday, May 29, serious second thoughts could come slamming down fast.


Trickster Mercury’s backspin in your sign suggests you’ll be the recipient of a double dose of mischief. Be vigilant with your electronic data and devices, strengthen passwords and back up data to the cloud. Got a big debut in the works? Hold off on any splashy launches until June 22.


Venus rests in Taurus until May 8

Feeling unclear about your love life…or maybe even a bit uninterested? The first week of May finds love planet Venus in “sleep mode,” languishing in your twelfth house of rest and healing conclusions. Don’t push yourself, but DO use this time to reflect on lingering resentments or to release yourself from the grips of a toxic situation.


The twelfth house rules fantasy, and coupled Geminis could enjoy a sweet escape, especially if you can travel somewhere safely (bonus points if it’s near water). You may also have to make a few more sacrifices for your partner this week, attending to their emotional needs or playing caretaker. But that willingness to be vulnerable can deepen your bond, especially on May 6, when a Venus-Pluto trine opens up intimate terrain and a chance to express feelings or desires you’ve been keeping inside.


Mars gets cozy in Cancer all month

Security is sexy this May—even if that’s not your usual M.O., Gemini. Passionate Mars is in Cancer from April 23 to June 11, heating up your second house of confidence, stability and finances. The little things are what turn you on the most now: simple gestures of thoughtfulness, sharing a beautiful moment, savoring a meal together. Mars in the sensual second house loves to luxuriate!


Single Geminis, get clear on your values and priorities—and start treating yourself as well as you’d want a future partner to treat you. You don’t have to wait for that “special someone” to come along and provide that! Set the bar high by lavishing yourself with the first-class treatment you deserve.


Coupled Geminis could argue about money, and single Gems might have a cash-strapped spell or be too stressed out by work demands to think about romance. Don’t let yourself get so consumed by those mundane matters that you neglect yourself or your romantic interest. Adopt a “quality over quantity” approach and pencil in a few special occasions just for the two of you. The May 31 Mars-Neptune trine sets the stage for a sexy “power couple” moment, perhaps an enchanted evening stepping out safely together—or for solo Gems, meeting someone who complements you to a tee.


Your mojo’s on fire with Venus in Gemini from May 8 to June 2

Not yet feeling the heat? Fear not: Your sexy spring awakening arrives on May 8, when Venus begins a nearly monthlong visit to YOUR sign. Get ready to turn some heads—and possibly draw a serious contender at the May 19 Venus-Saturn trine.


But with Venus in your independent first house, you’ll be in no rush to commit to anything that cramps your freedom and autonomy. Use this time to experiment with new looks and refresh your style. Haven’t had a haircut or done a proper wardrobe update since 2020? Get thee to the stylist and your favorite boutique, even if you purchase online.


Your free-spirited urges could be at odds with a desire for “happily ever after” at the May 27 Venus-Neptune square. Avoid dragging others into the confusion, which could easily happen if you give mixed messages (already a #GeminiProblem for some). Just let this pass instead of launching into a conversation when your head isn’t clear.




Gemini Money Horoscope for May:

Before you can bring in that flood of abundance, you might need to make some space for it! At the May 11 Taurus new moon, commit to FINALLY finishing up lingering projects and commitments so you have room in your life for your dreams. Is your calendar cluttered with meetings or invitations that you feel lukewarm about? See your way gracefully out of these so you can leave some white space on there.


Those empty slots could be filled before month’s end, thanks to the game-changing May 26 Sagittarius lunar eclipse. This full supermoon falls in your house of partnerships and contracts. A chance to team up or form a dynamic duo could arrive in the coming days. Have you been playing small? Open up to a person or project that helps you think way beyond your limits. 


Love Days: 22, 26

Money Days: 5, 15

Luck Days: 13, 3, 31

Off Days: 10, 24, 28

See All Signs

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