Hello, Your Sex Horoscope for the Weekend Is Here

Hello, Your Sex Horoscope for the Weekend Is Here

What’s happening: Tonight, Mercury is sextile Saturn, giving you a more clear mind. Tomorrow, Mars enters flamboyant Leo, and immediately opposes Pluto, the planet of power and transformation. Gemini season begins on Sunday, and starts off with the Sun harmonizing with Pluto. The Sun links up with Mars on Monday, and on Tuesday, Mars gets into a bombastic square with Jupiter.

What that means:


This weekend is overflowing with potential for your sex life, Aries! First, Mars, the planet of libido, enters the sexiest part of your chart on Saturday, making you horny AF. Then, Gemini season begins on Sunday, which makes it easier than ever to make new connections. Finding someone to hook up with is a breeze all week long, but you risk being a little too pushy at times. Respect others’ boundaries, and understand that “no” means “no.”


There’s not much action in your love life this week, unfortunately, and that’s especially true when it comes to sex. Single Tauruses can benefit from tonight’s Mercury/Saturn sextile, as it helps them make new connections, but other than that, I’m not seeing much excitement. Tuesday’s astro amps up your sex drive, so use Gemini season’s social vibe to help you find a fling if you’re in the mood for fun.



After a long, miserable, difficult Taurus season, your birthday is finally here, and the stars are making it über easy to find yourself a birthday boo. The Sun in your sign is helping you shine bright, and it’s teaming up with Mars in Leo to give you an extra boost of charisma and charm. You’re already an extrovert, but now you’re even more eager to connect with others—and people are loving connecting with you. Have fun!


It’s a tough week for you, Cancer. You’re not facing any major conflicts or hitting any roadblocks in love, but you’re being constantly reminded of past relationships and exes. If you keep hearing about an ex this week, don’t be surprised if they show up soon. My advice? Don’t view this as an obstacle or a challenge, but as an opportunity to gain closure.


Mars entering your sign amps your sex drive all the way up, so you’re definitely spending a lot of time texting “u up?” to all the potential love interests in your contact list this weekend. It also makes you very confident—maybe a little too confident. Don’t be too pushy or disrespect any boundaries, and you’ll be fine. Gemini season is perfect for you single Leos, because it makes it so you’re meeting new friendly faces basically every day…and getting some action too.


You’re reaching an important moment in your love life! This weekend, I want you to take a long, serious look at your relationship. Is it functioning well? Is it balanced? Are you both happy? If so, here’s your green light to take it to the next level and DTR or upgrade your relationship in some way. If things are in bad shape, you’re fully realizing it, so now’s the time to fix things fast, take a break from the relationship, or even end things for good.


Somebody’s really pushing your buttons right now, Libra. This could be a partner who wants to try something you’re not interested in, but they keep asking, or someone you’ve been seeing that’s starting to give you the ick, or maybe just someone who’s super into you that you have zero interest in. Whoever it is, you need to get rid of the problem. Set boundaries and be firm. Don’t let people push you around! You might end up getting rid of your crush/boo in the process, but don’t worry—Gemini season is all about meeting new people to replace the ones you lost.


Big changes are on the way! Your love life is about to get serious. If you’ve been seeing someone, the DTR conversation is on the way. If you’ve been in a LTR, the “let’s move in together” or “what about marriage?” talks are happening soon. Further commitment now will lead to further intimacy in the future of your relationship, which will help you and your partner feel more physically, mentally, and emotionally satisfied with each other.


You got a few scratches and bruises on the way, but you’ve finally made it out of Taurus season! Gemini season activates your chart’s relationships zone, so this is your sign’s version of cuffing season. If you’re looking for love, Sunday and Monday are your lucky days. Go out, take a walk, try a new restaurant for lunch, and pay attention to the people around you. You’re likely to run into someone that you find very intriguing!


This weekend’s astro is great for mixing and mingling with people, and if you play your cards right, you could find yourself a handful of hotties to have fun with! But just because you can get with them, doesn’t mean you should. Peruse your options, instead of choosing the first person to give you a smile. There’s potential for mind-blowing sex, but the stars are also yelling, Don’t be hasty, and don’t take any risks! And yes, that means you need to wrap it before you tap it this week.


Two zones of your chart are on fire all weekend long—the 5th house, which rules romance/sex/fun, and the 7th house, which rules relationships. Sex right now is out of this world. Romance feels better, deeper, and more meaningful. There’s a ton of potential for your love life, but there’s a catch—you gotta collaborate to make this magic happen. If you want something, don’t order your partner to do it. Ask them what they want in the relationship, too, and try to help them. Working together is the only way to take advantage of this astro.


You’re taking a much more serious approach to your love life this week. Superficial hookups don’t seem as satisfying right now—in fact, you’ll probably have a better time just playing with yourself. Dates are fine, I guess, but all the small talk is boring the hell out of you. Intimacy and commitment are two big themes in your love life right now, and if you’re not in a relationship where you have that, it’s very easy to feel lonely or defeated. This doesn’t last forever, though—this week is just a particularly intense one.

Headshot of Jake Register

Jake Register (better known by his Instagram handle, @jakesastrology) is a Libra and the author of Cosmopolitan’s weekly Sexoscopes. He lives in southeastern North Carolina and loves making astrology content. Follow his IG or Twitter @jakesastrology, and to book a reading, go to Jakesastrology.as.me.

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