My friends and I have a bad habit of sending photos of celebrities back and forth to one another talking about the rumored cosmetic procedures they’ve had done. It wasn’t until we got into a heated debate one night about someone’s lip filler that I thought, wait, maybe I want to try this out for myself. To be clear, I’m never one to judge someone else — famous or not — for their filler injectables or plastic surgery choices; if it makes you feel better about yourself (and you can afford it), that’s your decision to make. About a week later, I booked an appointment with my plastic surgeon, Melissa Doft, M.D.
Although I, and Dr. Doft, suggest doing research before choosing the physician for your injectables, mine was a unique case. Dr. Doft is the woman responsible for my breast reduction surgery in 2018. As far as bedside manner goes, Dr. Doft has been the best, so trusting her with my lips was a no-brainer. Now, it’s officially been three years since first getting my lip filler and, well, I’m definitely still on the bandwagon. Although it’s been awhile since I’ve had my filler replenished, I can say that the cosmetic treatment was right for me.
Whether or not it’s right for you is not my battle to bear, but I hope my personal journey might — at the very least — help answer some of your burning questions about the process, the bruising, and what needles actually feel like in your lips. Keep reading to see my entire experience, from one hour after to a month post-procedure.
This was about a week before I got my lip injections. My upper lip was my biggest point of concern: it was shaped like an upside down W, and when I smiled, it would usually disappear entirely.
This is me with numbing cream on my lips, and there are few sensations as bizarre as having your lips numbed. Prepare to drool and, whatever you do, don’t swallow any of the cream if it gets into your mouth (I learned this the hard way and, soon enough, my tongue was completely numb for about 45 minutes). Try your best to wait until your doctor thoroughly cleanses your lips of the numbing cream and spit it out.
Dr. Doft informed me during the appointment that the brand she was using on my lips (Volbella) also included some lidocaine, a numbing agent, to further diffuse any discomfort. As far as pain went, I felt every puncture of the needle. This, I suspect, is because I drooled and licked a lot of the numbing cream off my lips initially. Even still, the pain was worth it and only momentary. In fact, I’d describe the similar pinching sensation to that of getting an extraction from an esthetician during a facial.
Recovery for the first round of lip injections was easier than expected. Dr. Doft gave me an ice pack to soothe the area from swelling immediately after, and almost no bruising occurred. Although my lip size fluctuated for days, I knew about 48 hours after my appointment that I was ready for more filler. The goal: to add more volume to the outer corners of the upper lip, so they looked plush vs. pouty.
Like Dr. Doft said, it could take a little less than a week for the lips to fully heal. While my lips were definitely bigger, I knew I wanted to even out some of the volume with a second round of injections and booked my next appointment with Dr. Doft.
For my second appointment, I brought inspiration images. Dr. Doft cosigned this and said that giving your doctor a clear idea of what you want will help you two collaborate to get the results you both agree are best. This time around, Dr. Doft only injected less than half a syringe into my upper and lower lips. Between both appointments, she used one full syringe (1 cc) for the injections.
By the next morning, my bottom lip was significantly bruised, but I was in zero pain or discomfort. My lip size didn’t fluctuate nearly as much as the first round of filler. The swelling went down quickly (within 48 hours), and I was left with what my lip size was expected to be for the remaining months. Note: your lips might feel dehydrated after lip injections; at least mine did. While some people actually find that, in the winter months, filler boosts moisture retention, I found that the filler made my lips incredibly dry. Luckily, the side effect was only a short phase of recovery. As if I had let my lips soak in BabyFoot, the skin peeled for a few days before going back to normal. Now, I wake up every morning with perfectly soft lips.