Jessica Simpson Goes Completely Makeup Free (Minus a Lash Curl!) for Her 43rd Birthday

Jessica Simpson Goes Completely Makeup Free (Minus a Lash Curl!) for Her 43rd Birthday

Remember on Newlyweds when Jessica Simpson iconically noted that “23 is old, it’s almost 25, which is almost mid-20s?” Well it’s officially been 20 years since that musing, meaning Jessica’s 43 and quite literally looks better than ever.

Jessica celebrated the day with a makeup free selfie, writing “43 makeup free (kinda. Ha. I did curl my lashes)”

Truly, I’ll have whatever she and J.Lo are having.

Jessica’s post comes right on the heels of her interview with Bustle, where she chatted about how she’s trying not to edit her photos anymore—with her daughters in mind.

“How do I want to raise my daughters?” she said during the interview. “I was going to post a photo because everybody’s down my neck, Jessica, you need to post, Jessica, you need to post. I’m like, OK. Then I go to post and I’m like, oh, but let’s go to the FaceApp. I’m like, Oh, that makes it look a little bit better. Oh, that makes it a little bit better. What has done that to me? What is that doing to my daughter? What we’re doing on social media is creating this idea of what is beautiful and setting up our lives artificially — to look good for who?”

Side note before we go: Jessica is planning a return to music, and making a documentary about it with the team behind Newlyweds. “We’re about to start shopping it around,” she told Bustle, adding of her new music “I am genre-less.”

Mehera Bonner is a celebrity and entertainment news writer who enjoys Bravo and Antiques Roadshow with equal enthusiasm, She was previously entertainment editor at Marie Claire and has covered pop culture for over a decade. 

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