Just a Buncha Rare Photos of Young Prince William Wearing a Speedo and Whatnot

Just a Buncha Rare Photos of Young Prince William Wearing a Speedo and Whatnot

Once upon a time in a magical land, a prince was born. Sorry to be corny, but it’s mostly true. But let’s rephrase: In the early 1980s in London, a prince was born. Sure, we could be referencing Prince Harry—but in this case, we’re talking about Prince William. And if you’re here, we’re guessing it’s because you want to see Prince William’s life in photos. You’re in luck, because we’ve grabbed his adorable baby photos with Princess Diana, childhood photos with his little bro, and several—frankly—smoldering shots of early-20s Will that you’re definitely gonna want to see. Plus, some photos of Will and Kate that give “Mom and Dad on vacation” vibes in the best possible way. And of course, a few cute snaps of the future king and his kids, George, Charlotte, and Louis, because how could we not??

Without further ado, here are a bunch of rare pictures of Prince William you probably haven’t seen before.

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