Scott Disick Dropped $57K on *Another* Birthday Gift for Amelia Hamlin

Scott Disick Dropped K on *Another* Birthday Gift for Amelia Hamlin

Amelia Hamlin just celebrated her 20th birthday, and Scott “What’s My Age Again?” Disick simply can’t stop giving her fancy gifts! On top of the diamond cross necklace he gave to her during a birthday dinner (which made her cry), People reports that Scott gave Amelia a signed Helmut Newton print worth $57,500. Oh, and apparently, he bought the print using *checks notes, stares blankly at them* EthereumPay’s $EPAY Cryptocurrency.

No pics yet, but here’s Amelia’s post to Scott on HIS birthday, in case you want to check out their vibes:

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Scott and Amelia are clearly getting serious—and back in March, a source told People that Scott’s “been telling friends how much she means to him and how into her he is” and that their age difference is no bigs. As the source mused, “It’s a different type of maturity, and they really don’t feel the age difference.”

However, things do appear to be slightly awk between Scott and his ex Kourtney Kardashian due to Scott having issues with her close relationship to Travis Barker. A source recently told Entertainment Tonight that “he wishes Kourtney was more affected” by his relationship with Amelia “like he is about Kourtney and Travis” who are “so beyond obsessed with each other.” The source adds, “Scott hasn’t hung out in a big family setting with Kourtney and Travis yet. He’s still a little skeptical of their relationship and hurt by it.”

As a reminder, the Kardashians are moving their show to Hulu so this will likely play out on our screens soon due to Kris Jenner being a casual genius. Bye!

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