So, Here’s How Khloé Feels About Her Relationship With Tristan Following His Mom’s Death

So, Here’s How Khloé Feels About Her Relationship With Tristan Following His Mom’s Death

People will probably be wondering about the current/future status of Khloé Kardashian and Tristan Thompson’s relationship until the literal heat death of the universe. Don’t blame those people—it’s a basic law of nature that human’s are drawn to gossip and speculation about epically messy ‘ships like moths are drawn to flames and Ben Affleck is drawn to opportunities to look existentially sad when a camera is pointed at him in public.

So, with ^^that^^ in mind, here’s a little update on the current state of things between the former couple/forever co-parents—yes, including how Khloé feels about rekindling the romantic side of their relationship (spoiler alert on that part: not great, apparently).

“Khloé has no intention on getting back with Tristan but no matter what happens between them, he’ll always be the father of her kids, and her family,” a source who is presumably close to Khloé (like, close enough to be able to speak at *length* about Khloé’s dedication to the whole Thompson fam) told Us Weekly.

As Kardashian fans are already aware, Khloé has been spending a lot of time with Tristan since the devastating and shocking death of his mother, Andrea Thompson, who passed away last month after suffering a heart attack. Khloé immediately flew to Canada to be at Tristan’s side and grieve with him and his brothers, Dishawn, Daniel, and Amari.

According to the source, Khloé’s commitment to always being there with support extends to the whole Thompson family, but especially to his youngest brother, Amari, who has epilepsy.

“Khloé loves Tristan’s brother Amari and she has every intention of being there to help care for him every step of the way. Khloé has a heart of gold, and she feels like it’s the very least she can do after the tragic loss of their mom,” the source added. “Khloé knows how tough it is losing a parent and she has such a maternal nature about her. Like she mentioned in her online tribute to Andrea, she will help look after Amari at any cost….Amari is family, too, so she will continue to be by his side forever. She’s able to remain amicable with Tristan and focus on coparenting, and the bigger picture because she’s a natural caretaker — she always has been. This situation is difficult on everybody, but she feels like the least she can do is make sure Tristan and Amari have support all around them.”

Khloé personally made her bond with and lifelong commitment to being there for Amari in a January 24th tribute to Andrea on Instagram.

“I know you never wanted to leave your boys,” she wrote, directly addressing Andrea. “They are your entire world. They will learn to live with the hole in their hearts because they are warriors just like their warrior mommy. Just know, I promise you, Amari will be perfectly ok. We will all look after him, help him and protect him. Your boys will be ok because they have their guardian Angel by their side.”

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