Virgo Monthly Horoscope

Virgo Monthly Horoscope


Prepare for takeoff, Virgo! May finds you ready to spread your wings and explore the wider world again. You’re craving new ideas and novel places you can safely visit. These won’t be empty dreams, either. Use your orderly Virgo superpowers to plot a few key action steps that will help you turn those visionary ideas into reality. But don’t wait too long to get started! May ends with a game-changing eclipse and your ruling planet, Mercury, turning retrograde in your career house. This could bring misfires and miscommunications in professional areas and, for some Virgos, surprising shifts in your living situation.

The Sun is in Taurus until May 20

With the Sun soaring through Taurus and your ninth house of growth, expansion and risk-taking until Thursday, May 20, the sky’s the limit—and the scale is global. Break out of that box, Virgo. Are you finally ready to safely travel or take a next big step around one of your ideas?

During this anything’s-possible season, you’re encouraged to think and act outside your usual limits. Without risk, there’s no reward. You might immerse yourself in studying a new subject or launching an independent business venture. Where will your dreams take you? It depends on how far you’re willing to reach.

Here’s a bonus Taurus-season challenge: When invited to try something intriguing but totally new to you, experiment with saying “yes” as your first response. Rather than just giving an automatic “no” or a cautious “we’ll see,” take a leap of faith. You can always back out if you don’t like it, but at least you’ll have tried—and broadened your horizons by doing so. Remember: The miracle is in the effort, not the result!

Money and work gets a fresh start at the May 11 Taurus new moon

Aim your arrows for that lofty goal at the Taurus new moon on Tuesday, May 11. This date could be the start of a visionary idea or novel experience that introduces you to a whole new outlook on life.

Whether it’s a spark of curiosity or a tempting opportunity accompanied by a big life change, there’s no need to rush into anything binding. This new moon will unfold over a six-month period, culminating at the Taurus full moon on November 19. But whatever you DO pursue could turn into something much more important than you anticipate since this November manifestation moon will also be a potent lunar eclipse.


Jupiter powers up your partnerships in Pisces from May 13 to July 28

Ready for your duos to get really dynamic? When expansive Jupiter enters empathetic Pisces and your committed-relationship house on Thursday, May 13, your one-on-one bonds could go to the next level.

Long-distance connections, both romantic and business, get a special blessing from global Jupiter. Or you could venture outside your normal “type” and find yourself drawn to people different from your usual profile.

Some Virgos could outgrow a relationship, or at least the terms of it. Honest Jupiter could help you openly discuss your feelings. Maybe you need a different arrangement in order to really thrive. Your increased need for freedom and autonomy doesn’t have to spell a split, especially not during this open-minded spell. Check out the philosophy of Relationship Anarchy for inspiration.

Jupiter typically moves into a new zodiac sign once a year. But in 2021, Jupiter will make a short dip into Pisces, back into Aquarius on July 28 then return to Pisces again for a longer stay on December 28. This period is a sneak peek of a long trend starting at the end of 2021, which will last until May 10, 2022. The way you “do” relationships is about to undergo an interesting revolution, Virgo—one that could bring adventures you didn’t expect to have this year!

Gemini season begins on May 20

It’s been a wonderful month of exploration so far, but all good things must come to an end (at least for now). Once Gemini season begins on Thursday, May 20, buckle down and get busy! With the Sun in your career and ambition zone for the next month, make a master plan and tackle your responsibilities first. An opportunity to step into a leadership role could take your plans to new heights.

Saturn turns retrograde in your wellness zone from May 23 to October 10

When cosmic taskmaster Saturn turns retrograde in Aquarius on Sunday, May 23, you’ll want to watch your health, revamp your diet and pull back on any excess. You might even get a few penalty points when Saturn reverses through your sixth house of organization and well-being, delivering a harsh audit to the way you live your life.

If your life has gotten messy, distracted or overcommitted, this is your chance to turn the tides. And there’s no ignoring a nagging ache or putting off a doctor’s visit. Stop Googling symptoms and go see a qualified medical professional if you’re not feeling your absolute best. When harsh Saturn is retrograde, it’s NOT the time to get experimental.

Pay extra attention to details all around, and work harder to stay organized. This isn’t a reminder most Virgos typically need, but for the next few months, key items could slip through the cracks, especially if you’re juggling a lot.

During this weighty retrograde, you might feel daunted by too many projects or endless tasks. Streamline and simplify. Does it feel like everything is a bit broken, bumbled or in need of an upgrade? Sound the call for a specialist—and please, Virgo, delegate instead of trying to DIY! The sixth house rules assistants and helpful people, so start outsourcing to experienced people who truly know how to bring things to the next level.

You may need to cut a few slackers from the squad if they can’t deliver results and work that meets the standards you need. No guilt allowed—this is business, and you don’t have time to go back and fix their costly, time-consuming mistakes!

Eclipse season begins on May 26 with the Sagittarius lunar full supclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” ermoon

The Sagittarius lunar eclipse on Wednesday, May 26, puts your home and family in the spotlight. Is there a possible move on the horizon, or perhaps a change in the cast of characters whclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” o share your home? Eclipses can bring surprise events, and this one is also a full supermoon, making it that much more potent.

Maybe you’ll hear of a home for sale and, before you know it, you’re suddenly putting in an offer. (And here you thought you were just taking a casual, curious peek!). Baby news could also arise, or you could be offered a surprising job opportunity that requires relocation. In some way, your living situation is up for a radical revamp at this eclipse.

For clues of what could arise now, look back to December 14, 2020, when the corresponding Sagittarius new moon, which was also an eclipse, set the stage for these events. Your mother or an important woman (or female-identified person) could figure into events in an unexpected way. You can also page back to June 4, 2020, the first Sagittarius lunar eclipse in this nearly two-year series.

Mercury spins retrograde in Gemini from class=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” May 29 to June 22

Whatever happens, it’s best to avoid big decisions and drastic moves once messenger Mercury goes retrograde in capricious Gemini on Saturday, May 29, scrambling signals in your tenth house of career and reputation. Mercury is your ruling planet, so you feel these backspins more than most people.

Back up your technology, triple-confirm plans and watch what you say, especially in public. A blurt or some other verbal misfire could be badly misunderstood, smudging on your stellar reputation. The tenth house rules men and father figures, so you could use this time to improve communications with an important guy, possibly your dad.

You might notice you’re repeating patterns from your family of origin. Hey, we all have “daddy issues” in some form (your fellow Virgo Beyonce even wrote a song with that title), so use this cycle to understand and resolve any lingering childhood dynamics that don’t serve you.

Venus luxuriates in Taurus until May 8

Craving adventure and autonomy? You certainly will for the first week of May as love planet Venus hangs out in Taurus and your ninth house of travel, expansion and long-distance connections.

The love planet has been here since mid-April, refreshing your perspective on romance and helping you approach interpersonal ties with an open mind. Whether you follow your curiosity about a new person or try something wildly different with a longtime partner, embracing novelty can bring some excitement back.

Your best day for an amorous adventure—with a sizzling twist—could arrive on May 6, when Venus gets a beam from alchemical Pluto in your passionate fifth house. Power couple: incoming!

Mars gets cozy in Cancer all month

Just friends…or something more? Red-hot Mars spends all month in Cancer and your eleventh house of networking, groups and technology, which could take a relationship from platonic to bionic.

Mars is in Cancer from April 23 to June 11 to be exact. If you’re safely venturing back into the human-filled world, you could meet someone intriguing or sense sparks flying with someone from your crew. But don’t rush into anything binding here, Virgo. Your interest could cool as quickly as it heats up. A flirty stroll through town, some spicy DMs, even a spring fling could be fun. Just make sure everyone’s clear on expectations and not operating on assumptions!

Thinking about the future with Venus in Gemini from May 8 to June 2

Although Mars in Cancer has you craving more breathing room, starting May 8, another part of you will start thinking seriously about your romantic future. It’s not like you’re in a rush to give away all your cherished “me” time. But when starry-eyed Venus moves into Gemini and your tenth house of long-term plans, you could start to keep an eye out for someone who would make a fulfilling companion.

With lucky Jupiter spending May 13 to July 28 in Pisces and your relationship zone, you might adopt a whole new approach to relationships. Who says you have to become a constant “unit” in order to feel fulfilled?

When Venus forms a harmonious trine to Saturn in your wellness zone on May 19, you could meet a compatible person through volunteering or fitness pursuits. Today’s gym hottie could become tomorrow’s weightlifting spotter—think of the convenience alone! For couples, this is a great day to dive into a shared self-improvement mission as supportive accountability buddies.

But are you truly on the same page when it comes to commitment? Doubt and insecurity could flare on May 27, when Venus gets caught in a tense square to deceptive Neptune in your relationship house. Get the facts before you react. If you’re feeling unsure about the future or next moves, take a day to soul-search instead of making binding decisions.



While you like a good amount of certainty—enough to cover the financial bases—you also enjoy the freedom to be as creative and expansive as you like. To that end, the May 11 Taurus new moon stokes your entrepreneurial side, helping you think beyond the usual avenues. Whatever you begin today will have extra resonance in six months, when this lunar lift culminates in a Taurus lunar (full moon) eclipse on November 19.

On May 26, a Sagittarius lunar eclipse touches down in your domestic sector. You could find yourself, perhaps unexpectedly, looking at real estate, a home-based business or a unique opportunity to build your nest egg. Events could be sparked by a powerful woman who marches to her own beat. A work opportunity related to interior decor, hospitality or children could also arise. Keep an open mind!

Love Days: 28, 5

Money Days: 13, 22

Luck Days: 10, 20

Off Days: 8, 18, 3, 31

See All Signs

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