Your Horoscope for the Week of June 6

Your Horoscope for the Week of June 6

Overview: A little structure goes a long way! Monday’s Moon-Uranus conjunction in Taurus wants you to ground down for freedom and safety. Thursday’s solar eclipse in Gemini is a supercharged New Moon that changes your relationship to communication. Mars enters courageous Leo on Friday and stays there until July 29, making the start to the summer a courageous one!

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Stay centered, Aries! Monday wants you to stay grounded and clear on your values. Thursday’s solar eclipse in Gemini transforms your attitudes on communication, thoughtful listening, and all the ways your linguistic skills help you. Mars enters your Leo-ruled confidence sector on Friday, giving you greater self-esteem, charisma, and power-within.


Choose emotional exposure, Taurus! Monday helps you share the stories of your heart. Thursday’s solar eclipse in Gemini helps your perception and communication skills on security, finances, clarity, values, and pleasure. Mars enters your Leo-ruled home/family zone on Friday, empowering you to name your boundaries and desires for emotional safety with your family.


Don’t give up, give “over,” Gemini! Monday inspires you to spiritually surrender for closure. Thursday’s solar eclipse in Gemini is sure to bring you the wide scope of changes you’re hoping for this birthday season and beyond! Mars enters your Leo-ruled communication zone on Friday, highlighting your language skills as a major strength, so step into the power!


Check in on your friends, Cancer! Monday reunites you with your loyal besties. Thursday’s solar eclipse in Gemini helps you identify everything you need to let go of so the universe can manifest in the space you created. Mars enters your Leo-ruled safety zone on Friday, giving you the passion for security, financial freedom, and pleasure.


Rise and shine, Leo! Monday uplifts your professional ambitions and successful outcomes. Thursday’s solar eclipse in Gemini transforms your relationship with friends, asking you to think about how the quality of your collaborations determines the result. Then Mars enters Leo on Friday, giving you even more courage, freedom, passion, and yearning for independence!


Think bigger, Virgo! A breakthrough moment that helps you think differently strikes on Monday. Thursday’s solar eclipse in Gemini wants you to adapt to a professional change; communicate your new career desires to someone who needs to hear it! Mars enters your Leo-ruled completion zone on Friday, helping you create more closure.


What’s the truth, Libra? Monday illuminates an existential reality you’ll want to accept. Thursday’s solar eclipse in Gemini points the way to an intellectual expansion through travel, education, and learning. When you know better, you can do better! Mars enters your Leo-ruled friendship zone on Friday, helping you get clear about your most meaningful friendships.


Chemistry across contrast, Scorpio? Monday puts opposites-attract style energy in the air! Thursday’s solar eclipse in Gemini focuses your efforts on exploring how communication and imagination create more passionate intimacy in your life! Then Mars enters your Leo-ruled career sector on Friday, giving you leadership potential and momentum for professional success.

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Stay organized, Sag! Monday wants you to stay focused and on track with your routine. Thursday’s solar eclipse in Gemini begins new relationships, deepens the dynamics you’re in, and/or completes romances carefully if they’ve served a purpose. Mars enters your Leo ruled expansion zone on Friday. giving you more discovery, education, and learning!


Play hard, Cap! Monday wants you to balance your work ethic with some downtime. Thursday’s solar eclipse in Gemini in your health, wellness, and routine zone wants you to commit to a strategy that optimizes your mindfulness and mental health. Mars enters your Leo-ruled intimacy zone on Friday, helping you understand your erotic and sexual desires.


Try a lil tenderness, Aquarius! Monday wants you to reveal more of your emotional nature. Thursday’s solar eclipse in Gemini wants you to regulate comparison, perfectionism, and scarcity to choose worthiness, authenticity, and freedom to live a fuller life. Mars enters your Leo-ruled romance zone on Friday, helping you balance freedom with meaningful connection.


Use your words, Pisces! You’re struck with more eloquence and transparency on Monday. Thursday’s solar eclipse in Gemini lights up your home/family sector, helping you understand and communicate your contexts for emotional safety along with the people/places that make it happen. Mars enters your Leo-ruled wellbeing zone on Friday, optimizing your routine for health.

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