Your Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope for June

Your Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope for June

Add these dates to your GCal:

June 10: New Moon/solar eclipse in Gemini
June 14:
Saturn square Uranus
June 20:
Sun enters Cancer
June 22:
Mercury Direct
June 24:
Full Moon in Capricorn

You’re the optimist of the zodiac and, right now, you have plenty of reasons to be excited: A new month is just getting started! The Sun is currently drifting through Gemini—your opposite sign—which means it’s your half-birthday season…and you’re definitely feeling the duality! On June 10, a solar eclipse rocks your world, activating the area of your chart associated with partnership. This eclipse is connected to a larger series that started last June and will continue through December, prompting cataclysmic change across every aspect of life. Eclipses fuel destiny, so pay close attention to what occurs during this lunation. Nervous? No need! You’re a fiery archer—there’s nothing you love more than a good adventure! Don’t worry, you got this!

Then, on June 14, stoic Saturn forms a tense connection to progressive Uranus on June 14. This is the second installment of a three-part series that first occurred on February 17 and will conclude on December 24. So what does that mean for you? When these two cosmic head honchos illuminate the areas of your chart associated with community and routines, you’ll be ready to explore new ways to integrate interpersonal dynamics into your day-to-day. How can you ensure that your closest companions aren’t just weekend warriors, but rather, consistent muses that inspire artistic and creative progress? Whether you’re starting a book club, committing to a cute brunch routine, or simply getting in the habit of calling your friends more consistently, this is an excellent time to explore how your bonds improve your life. How delightful!

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Next, on June 20, the Sun drifts into Cancer, kicking off a new astrological season, the longest day of the year, and the beginning of summer solstice. For the next few weeks, solar motion will be highlighting your intimacy zone, encouraging you to dive deep into the nooks and crannies of your psyche. Now, you’re not just thinking about what you have—you’re also thinking about what it means. That’s right, Sag darling, this is about examining your responsibilities from an emotional point of view…and that’s not always easy for you! Get ready to spend lots of early mornings and light nights contemplating words like “implications,” “duty,” and “intention.” Yes, it’s going to be a powerful time for growth, Sagittarius! But some goods news: Mercury Retrograde finally ends on June 22, which means the planet of communication will help ensure your words align with your feelings. What a relief!

Is that it? Nope! On June 24, the Full Moon in Capricorn lights up the sky, radiating the area of your chart that governs money, values, and resources. Perhaps some unexpected bills have stretched your bank account to the limit, so as you wrap up the month of June, you may want to take a good hard look at your bank account and create a practical budget for the summer months. This isn’t about denying yourself a well-deserved vacation, Sagittarius darling, it’s about managing your finances to ensure that you’re not digging yourself into a difficult hole. This is an excellent time to pay down outstanding debt, cancel subscriptions you’re no longer utilizing, or simply cut back on takeout. At the end of day, you make the rules. Enjoy the upgrade, Sag!

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